[News] Shadowlands Class Updates

Blizz, you forgot to add the 1h weapons back to fury like you did with frost and 2h.

Warriors have all these weapon mogs they used to be able to use right up until Legion that they are now locked out of. Plus, not every race looks good swinging two 2h weapons around. Some look better with 1h.

Bring back Single Minded Fury!


Please reconsider doing something for Demonology. The current system is abysmal for any raid fight with movement or target switching. While the class fantasy of a demon army is a fun idea it is not fun because pets for dots doesn’t work. I might be the minority but I much preferred the old build/spend demonology with meta cycles.


The only Hunter change that matters!

So how are you going to make appealing affliction warlocks to other classes in m+, cause we still get rejected in BFA because the lack of AoE and utility in BFA???

So this might just be me reading the StM wrong but it seems like you do a burst of damage and get a 100% buff to insanity generation and moveable casting for X amount of time and if you don’t kill your target by the end you die.

Nowhere in there does it say that you die if/when you fall out of voidform like the original StM, I think this is meant to be a buff that gives you boosted damage to finish off a target, not meant to keep you in voidform forever.

The Arcane Mage changes have me giddy. ^^

Thank you Phaerix. Could you please pass along to the developers that I, like many other Arms warriors, do not want Deep Wounds as a mastery. It’s not interesting, and it’s not fun to have to be balanced around some of our damage being a slow ticking dot.

I would be perfectly happy going back to having Opportunity Strikes. Yes, you can argue that’s just more RNG and is also passive, but you guys could actually make it fun by having it proc an extra weapon swing animation, which is the whole point. Going in for a big hit and seeing an extra kick-a** weapon swing for damage is, IMO, extremely gratifying, something that harks back to a critical hit in Chrono Trigger.

To put it simply, I would rather have my mastery damage be front-loaded, not a boring slow ticking bleed effect. It didn’t work in BFA, as you launched that game, discovered it was trash, and then buffed its damage by 1000%. It’s a bad mastery and you guys know it is, please axe it and design something FUN for Arms.


i feel that ferals change so far isnt really needed, only limiting 1 ablility without choice vs, 2 of your choice now , its dont a needed change, i positive change would be giving feral a actual choice between a bleed build or a physical build. after the continued Dot damage nerf’s this change isnt promising at all. Although ferals excel in duels / pvp there hurting for PVE. im assuming the change for blood talons is trying to appeal to players to have a easier time. but the strict play style it is now makes the class fun. simplifying isnt the solution
 although the general druid changes are looking great, feral so far isnt making me look forward to shadowlands at all.


current elemental is very fun. i have hope for the enh changes too. i’ll definitely level a shaman as one of my first toons in SL. :slight_smile:

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DK’s and Monks get to choose DW or 1H, But Survival Hunters, Fury Warrior, and Enhancement Shaman requests fall on deaf ears.

Did anyone actually ask Blizzard to remove Maelstrom resource?

Enh and Ele shaman seem to be returning to a whack-a-mole priority system that will be both confusing and create the same random spikes we saw in WoD. Pretty sure I will be switching to a different main if we get back to 5 gcd’s before we are even able to engage in dps. Shaman dps builds seem to be regressing, but not in a good way, cluttered toolbars and RNG dps. =(

Enhancement will now have to apply flame tongue and wf,(2 gcd) cast flame shock (1 gcd), drop a fire totem (1 gcd), summon wolves (1 gcd), cast Stormkeeper (1 gcd), (That’s a total of 6 gcd) and pray to the RNG god’s that Overcharge procs, Begin Whack-a-mole. (only if you have a third party add-on that helps you manage cooldowns.)

With Maelstrom resource going away, will Rockbiter also be removed? If not, is Rockbiter and searing assault still going to have their ranged benefits or will that be replaced with Elemental Blast?

Elemental feels bad. Sidelining lightning bolt and turning lava burst into a weak hitting resource or proc generator. Is there really any difference to “resource generating” play-style or “spamming for proc” play-style? The issue with Shaman game play was that the build up phase was cumbersome and the pay-off phase lack luster. Unless Blizzard re-evaluates their approach to Shaman, it will have the same problem, only with added RNG.

“Lightning Bolt, and consequently Earth Shock, are meant to be a flavorful but secondary part of the single-target rotation.” This pretty much sums up my concern about the shaman design team. Lightning bolt is only meant to be a flavorful secondary part of rotation. Obviously blizzard seams to have forgotten that lightning bolt (and by extension chain lightning) are core parts of the Shaman class. Well played Blizzard.

I don’t mean to be salty, no actually I do, as a Shaman Main since vanilla, I’ve seen this class treated pretty bad. Legion was the first significant change to the class that could have had potential. Like so much of the stuff coming from WoW team 2, the follow through is pretty lack luster.

Are Frost DK’s still going to be stuck building around Sindragosa’s Breath? Here’s to hoping Blizzard offers some more compelling options. (Also, when are we getting our “stand our ground” ability. 3 Blizzcons dev’s have alluded to giving DK’s some sort of counter to knock backs and knock downs. Unholy and Blood sound interesting, however.

DH should have eye-beam for both specs. That seems to me to be a core part of their identity.

Currently I find Survival Hunter to be one of the most realized spec’s, with the general changes adding mostly shots, will we see a slip back towards ranged? That would be unfortunate.


Holy power is awful, If I wanted to play a rogue I would have rolled one. They need to take that combo point system out of the classes that don’t need it. There isn’t a reason for it on all the specs and there wasn’t a reason for it on paladins AT ALL when they first implemented it aside from trying to figure out a way to balance them.

It was a trash system when they implemented it and it still doesn’t belong on Paladins.


and surv hunters

holy power killed any hope i had to go back to maining my pally next expansion. i sent all his gold to my druid. RIP


Windwalker Monk: Touch of Death : Now instantly kills any creature with less health than the Windwalker Monk and will spawn Chi Spheres that the Windwalker can consume to perform devastating blows.

Yes, yes, thank you Blizzard. Happy Monk Dance

Hunter - Hunter’s Mark
Another pleasing thing. I was playing Classic yesterday and saying how much I would like to get Hunter’s Mark back in the game in retail. If it’s the same as the old iteration (in that it not only marks in a clear line to allow shooting through or around things, but increases damage to the marked target) my hunters will be also doing the happy dance. If they had also returned the snake trap it would be a total glow, because that trap was one of my favs.

Mage: Pyroclasm damage bonus to Pyroblast increased.

Yet another reason to play a fire mage

Paladin - Crusader Aura!
Hands up everyone who remembers fondly getting to move fast with a Paladin buddy

I’m definitely feeling the vibe with these upcoming changes (or should I say reversals of less happy removals).


These look interesting with the caveat that they need testing and iteration.

Speaking as a part time Arcane mage, the Enlightened Talent that was mentioned is either going to need equally strong competition from the other talents on whichever row it occupies, be so weak that it becomes useless or, and I think this would be preferable, be a baseline part of the specialization.

I agree we need 1handed fury. I have never liked Titans grip, it looks so silly to me wielding 2x 2handers. Only races it looks okay on are the large races.

inb4 every pally in your raid uses crusader aura instead of a useful aura in a raid.

TLDR for og post: Pendulum Balance = bad.. don't do it or the spec will die and never come back. Fix starfall so it doesn't pull through walls, does actual damage thats worth, and dont touch the range of it unless you increase it. Give Hurricane back even as a talent maybe. Increase armour for Balance (because as it is we might as well not have armour, and with no survival instincts we die faster than most **ESPECIALLY IN PVP**

Edit: What should be changed is Solar Beam. They removed its ability to be a 45s CD if you successfully interrupted a target. It is now a 60s CD regardless of if you actually interrupted a target or not. Another thing for SB would be if they just gave back its intended use, being a beam that when stood in the target / enemy is silenced. I cant count how many times adds or trash in dungeons / raids will just stand in SB and cast away

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why can’t they just give hurricane?? that was a better spell.

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