I don’t. That’s why I don’t actively go outta my way to farm it. You people put it onto yourself with a lack of… self control lol.
That’s what I was doing back then too. Leveling up alts for mage tower. Pressured myself to finish all the class campaigns and mounts so I wouldn’t have to worry about it in the future. Can’t count how many times I looked at my phone in 7.3.5 to manage table missions to finally get exalted on almost all to do the rep shuffle. Still didn’t even get the nightfallen mount until 3-4 months ago. Had almost 50 tries I think on that.
I dont understand why they have not made an announcement. This should be extended not a tease. This is Blizzards fault.
It’s the competitive nature of it. Like being part of an organization and the other person is able to do X, and they get praised for it. So wanting praise you attempt X as well.
It’s why I dislike multiboxing. Being able to parallel farm honor in epic bgs is not a fair way to gain honor when most of us are stuck on able to get honor on the one character at a time we play (yes you can play alts, but you are only able to do one at a time). Someone in this current system could just as easily get a party of 5 druids running the same route. That gives them 5x the chances for the mount for the same duration of time.
I logged in and did some WQ and it didn’t seem like it was giving the 100% buff. Just the 50% buff, even though both buffs were showing up. Just FYI
I’m still receiving an extra 100%.
My point still stands, people complaining about something they put onto themselves. The content itself is just there to give some life to whatever they put forward.
Still getting 2xrep for emissary turn ins and now get 2.5xrep for individual quests. I am both very happy and a little sad that I will likely ignore my vulpera leveling again.
Anything official TODAY from Blizzard on if and when this is actually going to end that is verified. I know about the interview and all that stuff, wondering if any new info today.
Ask and ye shall receive:
Extend to 9.0 please.
At least extend until the end of May …if they are worried about those paragon thingies, maybe remove it for exalted reps? Idk if it’s even possible.
extend till shadowlands please
- a returning player trying to unlock flying
Again, thanks to Blizzard for the extension. I hate to sound greedy or whiny, but at this point I think an extension to 9.0 (and a re-thinking of reps in general then) would HUGE for player engagement.
I’ve not seen zones so alive, including Legion and Suramar, (my FAVORITE zone of recent memory) in a LONG time. Everyone trying for those STILL elusive mounts and toys, leveing alts with the exp buff.
Please consider extending the rep buff to go right alongside the exp buff, it just makes so much sense to have them together.
WoW feels alive, in a traditionaly dead end-of-expansion time period. Keep the buffs, keep the excitement!
While Blizzard surely likes keeping their players engaged in the game, they also want players engaged in the current expansion and the latest patch content. XP buff remains because players will eventually hit 120 and go into BFA content. Rep buff helped players get Pathfinder in BFA, thus keeping them in current expansion content.
If the rep buff is extended and it keeps players in Legion content – that’s sorta good but not ideal for them. They still want players in the latest content more than they want them doing older content.
That’s why the latest thing they gave players is 8.3 specific – to keep players engaged in the current game, instead of just logging in and completely avoiding BFA.
Please extend the Impressive Influence buff until 9.0! This makes grinding out reps on alts much more rewarding and less like a chore. Honestly, it feels like this is what BFA reps should have been paced at from launch. At least on Alts, that is.
Keep the Rep+Exp buffs, the world feels alive! In all zones. The latest buffs to 8.3 stuff is great as well. You have people of all kinds engaged. The current-content peeps, the alt grinders, and the Legion paragon chasers as well.
There are so many timegates that these xp and reputation buffs felt like a release in speeding things up.
Rep and XP are things to keep slow early in an expansion but should always double towards the end. A bit like artifact knowledge.
Please extend Rep buff and also make it work for all previous expansion reputations. I would like to farm myself some old stuff.
Adding in my request to keep the buff!
Scarab Lord Tantrik
Just adding my support to the ‘extend the buff until prepatch’ crowd.
Please Blizzard!
I cancelled my sub on Monday, would definitely resub if the buff is kept alongside the experience one.
Keep the Buff please.