Newer Player Looking For Noob Friendly Guild!

Hello all!

I just recently left my guild as it seemed like a ghost town. So many people, but no one really online to chat and put together casual dungeons, raids, etc…

I’m looking for a guild that will be willing to help a noob out in situations, and can help me with my many noob questions! I’d love to get into some raiding as well as I gain more experience.

Thank you for your time! :slight_smile:

Heya Thebazookajo, Nyssea here with Moonlight Cofffeehouse.
Sorry to hear about your old guild. :confused: We’d love to have you join us though. We are very laid back and relaxed, focusing more on our amazing community and making sure all of our great members have the best experience they can in WoW. We don’t mind answering questions, in fact a handful of our members are completely new to the game! So ask away. :slight_smile: If you have any questions about the guild I’d be more than happy to answer them. You can reach me here, in game, my bnet is cluin14#1981, or at discord cluin#7625.

I hope you keep Moonlight Coffeehouse in mind while searching for your new guild, and good luck! :smiley:


Thank you so much for the reply! I will be in touch!

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Hello! I’m not trying to hijack the post or anything, but I’m looking for sort of the same thing (the community part anyways) and I was wondering if I could also contact you about the guild? Finding a guild has been super hard since my days on Turalyon.


Check us out at Pénsive ! We’re a community minded guild that has a lot of different things going on and people online at all hours. From new players to old raiders, we’re always looking to meet people.

Absolutely! We are always welcoming new members and would be super happy to have you join us. :slight_smile: