New xpack, all female leads? (Part 2)

nah looks great


Many thanks. Atleast i can play fashion barbie if I think the story sucks


Digging ditches? You mean operating a payloader? And a government job working for the sewer commission?
Oh please, break out the violins.

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Shut your mouth and bring me the cement mixer Tiffany


I wasn’t expecting to see /pol/ rhetoric on this site

This isn’t the own you think it is xD

Another day. Another thread. Another Clown Show that can’t offer arguments besides personal attacks and low effort spam.

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People so obsessed with genitals that this needed a Part 2 Electric Boogaloo


Yeah, not sure why, but I think there’s some difference between the likelihood for engaging with online surveys vs. phone surveys. In terms of age, I’d expect anything phone related to also just trend towards an older audience.

No one is moving a goalpost, but if someone wants to throw in statistics, a reality of the online survey industry making those statistics mostly worthless is relevant.

Also, you’re confusing a desire for anonymity with willingness to take online surveys. Women might not want to specify their gender in a discord server or the like where they’ll be interacting with people directly who will know their online handle and might send personal messages. Online surveys typically promise the information they gather will only be used for compiling statistics and that the person answering won’t have their private identity revealed in the results.

This isn’t a controversial statement. Women are more likely to fill out online surveys. A standard online survey will promise anonymity. I’m sure if it said, “by the way, we’ll include your name in a publicly accessible list so people can see how you answered,” that percentage would drop like a rock.

If someone really wanted to know the gender breakdown of WoW, the best thing to do would probably be to convince Blizzard to run an algorithm on their subscriber list, dividing out names associated to men vs. women.

Some names are of course gender neutral, though often with the names people think of that way, that’s just an issue in speech due to a name sounding phonetically identical, an issue that goes away when analyzing a written list. A written list of subscribers may also reveal a shortening of the first name resolving the ambiguity (example: someone who goes by “Cris” in daily life, where it’s just short for “Cristina”), and if the full name is present, it may include a middle name that resolves the ambiguity.

If the ambiguity can’t be resolved that way, then the algorithm could just estimate the popularity of the name for men vs. women. Overall, you’d have still have a margin of error, but Blizzard running an analysis of their subscriber list this way would probably give a much more reliable estimate of the male / female breakdown, way more reliable than an online survey.

For all we know, they’ve already done something like this for their marketing department. (If they haven’t, seems like something a marketing department should ask for). The hilarious thing is that if, say, men are vastly more likely to play WoW, the current Blizzard marketing department is more likely to react not by going, “we should approach men as our target demographic,” but instead by going, “This is terrible! We need to get more women playing!”


no, in no world would i ever be worried about this. i wasnt worried when WoW’s superhero cast was all men, and i dont care now either


This whole thread is countless men saying they’re men asking for more muscular manly men characters lol

Maybe you think the women stand out because you think men are the “default” in video games so it doesn’t even register for you.


I really wish that there were more heroic male characters this xpac.
Seems heroism (and being able to stay alive) is a female-only trait nowadays.

And yes, I want to be able to relate to characters in a video-game. WTF is the problem with that?


Google came back with Chris Metzen when I googled ‘World of Warcraft Market Guy.’

Still have no idea who you’re talking about.

I see we are going to need a whole new roll of bubble wrap.

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Merrix, I know spending more than 3 seconds to find anything would ruin your “Dere all waman” complaints

Even in the wiki the only person who you deal with more than him is the drill lady

i gotta be honest, i don’t care

please see your incelf out


Merrix is the mayor / constable. He has absolutely nothing to do with the market.

Only if your goal is to unlock the Earthen. And as soon as you’re done with that he has no purpose.


So his main story stuff doesn’t matter I guess

Goal post moved again

And yea he’s involved with the market considering he has a whole quest chain around that as well, maybe read or actually do the quests before crying

Merrix is what we call a ‘jobber.’

He has no bearing on the main plot. His character exists to put up a wall around unlocking the new race. He could have gotten on a bus and left the plot for a month for all the difference it’d make.

If we gender flipped the expansion and you had Merrox, the bearded earthen woman, who only existed to unlock the Earthen race, you’d probably be miffed if people told you to be happy you got that.