New WoW Player Here!

Hi everyone, new WoW player here checking in. I’m currently learning the ins and outs of the game…it’s definitely a learning curve for sure. If anyone in game wants to get together and help me learn some stuff and what not that would be great!

Have a good one everyone!

My name in game is Araenwen :slight_smile:

At around level 5 you gain the ability to get talents
You want to get the mining and Herbilism talent or herb and skinning.
Gather resources and you can sell them to other players on the auction house in orgimmar.
Once you get 500 gold go to the undercity in the theives quarter you can find people who will sell you heirlooms
Heirlooms are powerful gear that level up with you and also give you extra xp gains, they are also bound to your account so you can make a new character and use the heirlooms from the toys tab.
basically search up the best heirlooms for your class and buy them with money from selling Nodes (plants,ores,skins) and then I would suggest doing as much side quest as you can do.

Make sure to join a guild that has unlocked their heirlooms as in Ogrimmar you can buy certain heirlooms that you can only get from guild vendors (Pants heirlooms, and others)

it is possible to go from level 1-100 in less then a month if you put way too much effort into it, however once you get to BFA Content at level 110-120 is when the game becomes much more social.

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Hey, I certainly wouldn’t mind helping you learn the game. If you want to add me, my btag is YogSothoth16#1918

The Communities forum and your realm forum would be good places to check for social groups to join. Communities are cross-realm chatting and grouping, while a guild is more interactive but limited to your own server or server group; for Aegwynn, you’re connected with the Bonechewer, Daggerspine, Gurubashi, and Hakkar servers, which means you’re basically merged together and act as a single realm. You can be a member of only one guild at a time, but you can join more than one community, and the two aren’t mutually exclusive so feel free to try out different groups – you can always leave if you don’t like it there.

Also check these threads:

Don’t stress over getting heirlooms yet, they’re expensive and meant for leveling alts, not for the first time through when you’re already focused on learning your way around. They’re also found in the Heirlooms tab of the Collection interface (toys have their own tab), their stats are on par with quest gear so they aren’t as powerful as in the past, and the recent 8.1 patch greatly reduced the amount of EXP needed for 20-110 so leveling speed isn’t enough of a concern to worry about affording a worthwhile set of heirlooms and upgrading them to work past level 60. If you only care about being 120 ASAP, buy a 110 level boost or use the one that comes with the BfA upgrade. Otherwise enjoy the experience of seeing everything for the first time.

Having said that, the Darkmoon Faire is open during the first full week of each month, and some heirlooms can be bought with prize tickets earned by playing games and certain DMF quests. Next fair is in a couple weeks. More info and a site worth bookmarking:

Also, talents are learned at level 15. They’re extra active or passive abilities, and you can switch them when you’re in a “rested” area such as a capital city or an inn. Icy-veins has class guides that explain how things like talents and stats are used by your class and spec:

Between the age of the game and the profession changes with BfA, gathering professions aren’t the boon they used to be while leveling. Varies a LOT by server. Far as I know Herbalism and Mining are still a better option than Skinning since more professions use herbs and ores than leather. They also grant a bit of EXP, which can add up while questing. Later expansions are where you can make more gold, particularly Northrend, Cata, and Pandaria ores, as well as the current BfA ores and herbs. Just keep in mind that most other players are also trying to sell stuff so you’ll sometimes need to relist things.

You’ll need to learn different versions of the profession for each expansion, so look for the local profession trainers at 58-60 when you can head to Outland or Northrend, and 80 for Cata or Pandaria. Don’t bother with Draenor mats, but Legion professions involve extra quests and the pre-110 mats aren’t as profitable.

There’s a huge amount of content to explore. Many players wait until they’re at level cap and go back, many like to take their time while leveling and see as much as possible, many do both with lots of characters. There’s no wrong way, what matters is that you’re enjoying yourself. Don’t be afraid to click on things and talk to NPCs, never know what you’ll find.