New update not installing

For the second time the new update want install and i am sick of waiting 6 hours to reinstall the game after running a scan and repair that finds nothing.
What are you doing that cause the updates not to install properly?


I solved the issue, at least on my end.

What I did was I opened task manager, and found something called ‘World of Warcraft voice’ or something like that, ended that task, and the update worked.


This worked for me too! Find World of Warcraft Voice Proxy, and any other blizz client associated tasks, and end them. Then restart the client and start the update.

Thank you for the info it worked for me

im having the same problem, only thing is, is that im a noob to pc gaming and have no idea what everything mentioned above is. only thing i did was uninstall and trying to reinstall, but now it cant install at all
 please help

Press the key combo Ctrl+Alt+Delete on your keyboard, then click ‘Task Manager’, then click ‘More details’, and scroll down to find any processes that have ‘World of Warcraft’ or ‘WoW’ in the title, and click end task. After that, try updating WoW.

opening the task manager and ending the task “World of Warcraft voice proxy” worked for me. Thanks!

You are a lifesaver!! I really didn’t want to have reinstall the entire game. Thank you!!