New Tyrande stuff

You can’t even turn it off to defend yourself.

I mean, his last words were literally: " There, your business is done. Now, I want you wretched animals out of my city before I-"

I would have killed him, too.


I said I have no love for Garithos but at least if Sylvanas thought for a moment about his former allies and potential return to them, killing what probably was the last of the remnants of humanity wasn’t a smart move to make humans want to help them.


With how night elves have been handled over the years, and what they’ve said so far, it does seem illogical to presume that, especially when you look at things like the polygon article with Dauser who seems absolutely clueless as to why people thought they night elf portrayal seemed terrible in BfA:


Then you see the one time a night elf shows up so far in SL right here and it’s definitely not looking good. I would say it’s logical to expect more of the same from them in regards to the night elves, then Ion saying they won’t be finding a new home in SL but there might be a piece of that in Ardenweld so we won’t even get a real night elf story until the expansion after SL.

Night elf fans are told to wait and see time and time again and always to disappointment, so it’s entirely understandable for them to be extremely pessimistic at this point. Maybe they can be surprised, but I’m not going to hold my breath on this one.


wait and see for what, the sylvanas story isnt over? and they got ashenvale 100% back in mop after beating garroshes forces, you want game updates? Like nobody gets games updates.

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Obviously Sylvanas’s story isn’t over but that’s irrelevant. Also your assumption in MoP is that they beat Garrosh’s forces out of ashenvale instead of the horde withdrawing after the SoO treaty and the night elves giving the horde Azshara without the night elves getting anything in return. We didn’t even get confirmation that the night elves had Ashenvale completely until they lost it in the WoT books and we don’t even know the current state of it.

Why is giving the night elves any kind of confirmation of a victory so difficult? They couldn’t even say in the lore that the night elves won Darkshore, just an outside generic question about warfronts.


they did get something the horde left ashenvale

every time the alliance wins the nelves win thats how the game works its a 2 faction game with races in each faction

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Oh okay, so the night elves didn’t beat garrosh’s forces in Ashenvale, they were just saved by varian and the horde teaming up to capture Garrosh and then the horde agreed to leave ashenvale in exchange for the night elves giving up Azshara.

We have no confirmation of any night elf victories in game, we have a confirmation of Anduin working with the horde and making a treaty with the them after Sylvanas runs away.


Night elves build a nice home and cozy society, Horde comes in and wrecks it with there aggressively violent warmongering ways. Night elves beat back the Horde.

NIght Elves rebuild and start to flourish, Legion comes in and wrecks that. Night elves have to fight beside the very Horde(the very Horde that destroyed their home the first time) against the Legion and beat back the Legion.

Night Elves rebuild again only to have the Horde come back and destroy that too.

Repeat offenders.


That’s because she is more after revenge than saving night elf souls she’s going full dark side prep your booty it’s happening

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And the worst part is that we never saw her doing anything “good” with her so call “blessing of the night warrior” now conveniently renamed as oopsie… “curse of the night warrior”.


Yeah, what we’ve seen so far is the night warrior powers almost seemed to have made Tyrande weaker. I’m wondering if they will do some kind of demonstration of the night warrior abilities to show it’s actually some kind of dangerously powerful force the user has to deal with, instead of something that just kills a couple red shirts and gives Tyrande black eyes.


That’s a certainty once we are forced to fight her as a raid boss.
I so hate Blizzard and the story team.

Yea, and then lost it again in BfA so what’s the point? Maybe this was planned all along to give the Horde both Azshara AND Ashenvale.

Why would any Night Elf fan look forward to the Sylvanas redemption? If anything this makes it worse and not better when we’re starting to be told that genocide was good and heroic because it was against our race.

Probably not, for that Tyrande would either have to kill Sylvanas’ forces (or Nathanos) or Horde forces and both of them are untouchable due to writer favoritism.

I’d rather have Tyrande die as a raid boss with a cool cinematic than have her shamefully die to Sylvanas or Nathanos.

That said, the latter seems to be the case sadly :pensive:


I Say its time to Kill Tyrande as we all did with Almalexia, also kill Malfurion too, or she Killing him in a wit of madness as Alma did with sotha sil.

Leave the Nelves to Shandris and Jarod, and let Maiev Retire and put Tyrande’s level headed and Half Sister leading it.

Bonus for the druids now being led by Koda, because she is literally Aela The huntress as a Werebear druid.

Yeah, but writing a character with meta knowledge is bad writing…


Please do! Just keep in mind that i draw a distinction between “dying” and “ascending to a higher state of being.” I wouldn’t be surprised if Tyrande “died” only to then ascend to be a spirit serving Elune or something, that still has a function and agency in the world.

The Night elves never had Azshara, FFS. There were no night elf settlements, not even any Alliance quests. There was a hippogriff master and a guard to keep the Horde from whacking the guy, and that’s 100% of the Night elf presence that was ever in Azshara.

I’m sorry sweety. Azshara in Vanilla was the very definition of an underutilized zone, the only factioned quests it had were Horde quests (along with attendant NPC’s in a small outpost at Valomok) and - one more thing? - in Vanilla the Horde had one fewer controlled zones than the Alliance.

Cataclysm took a zone that nobody used, that is literally Orgrimmar’s backyard, that only had Horde quests anyway, and made it Horde to fix that one-zone imbalance.

While at the same time the Alliance gets Night-elf themed quest hubs in barrens, Thousand needles, Desolace, and Stonetalon.

Cry me a very small river over content imbalance corrections and zone re-purposing from twelve years ago.


Technical note, Tyrande did not cede Azshara to the Horde, only allowed them the use of its lumber:

    I am willing to allow the Horde the use of Azshara’s lumber if they abandon Ashenvale for good.

The Night Elves did not abandon Azshara, as was shown during the Legion Invasion pre-expansion events, where we saw the Talrendis Ancient had grown back, and Night Elf forces were still stationed in Azshara, and both helped the Goblins fend off the demons from the back gates of Orgrimmar.


Reading the preview on mmo-c, it looks like helping Tyrande is not part of the leveling quests. Guess that means it part of the Covenant campaign? If so, phew, I can just not pick Night Fae on my Horde toons.