New Tyrande stuff

3% of the horde pop doesnt matter

Then you, as .000001%, matter less.



THe majority matters and forsaken players and you arent he majority, and I am not either, but its funny you think the majority doesnt hate sylvanas and nate right now Literally a week ago, everyone was hoping nate was the secret boss for the new raid

Yeah but Iā€™m not holding my breath.

I donā€™t remember this part.

Iā€™m of the mind that he would never turn on Sylvanas unless she did something so unbelievable out there that she betrayed everyone, most of all him. Then all of that supposed development would have made sense, but thatā€™s not the route they took.

Then the majority, which is Horde by you, doesnā€™t mind that Tyrande dies a raid boss.

Therefore, itā€™ll happen, as the Prophet Elesana has decreed. Because Night Elf fans are not the majority.

Oh wait, the majority doesnā€™t matter! Remember how the majority saved Volā€™jin? Blizzard does what they want, regardless. Nate will likely be a boss going forward because of his direction, but that doesnā€™t change that it runs counter to what they were doing with him on the side.

Garona Halforcen walks over to Nathanos Blightcaller.

Garona Halforcen says: The zeal with which you attack the Alliance seems borne of more than deference to your queen, Blightcaller.

Nathanos Blightcaller says: I once fought for their cause. The Allianceā€™s insufferable arrogance has increased tenfold since they turned their backs on us.

Garona Halforcen says: Turned their backs?

Nathanos Blightcaller says: When the Lich Kingā€™s hold over us was broken, Sylvanas sought allies. Instead of embracing their fallen kin of Lordaeron, the humans spurned us. Hunted us. So I vowed to hunt them.

Garona Halforcen says: Ah, vengeance fuels you. I can appreciate that.

Nathanos Blightcaller says: Vengeance. Contempt. Call it what you will.

Nathanos Blightcaller says: When the last of his subjects has been slain and raised Forsaken, the boy king will kneel before the Dark Lady. And at long last, there will be but one queen to rule them all.

Garona Halforcen walks back to her post.

I do love the silly ā€œOne queen to rule them allā€ quip at the end. Itā€™s just so corny. Pretty funny that he makes no effort to hide the plan of raising all of Stormwind that they discussed in BtS.


Yeah they dont your point? The majority of players dont like nate and the majority of horde players dont care about tyrande sure what is your point about that, there is like a major different between the hate, one is built up to be a villain and the other is just on the other faction (right now)

My point is your:

means nothing. At all. Because Tyrande will not die a raid boss, regardless of the majority. Blizzard has shown that they are listening to NE fan concerns in regards to such. We just donā€™t know where it will end up.

To suggest that the Forsaken fanbase is not due to same respect is asinine. We will see how Calia unfolds now that Blizz is acutely aware that the small, tiny, Forsaken fanbase dislike her.


theres a difference in saying that they are gonna focus on nelf issues, form saying a person who genocided a people in the story rated T is going to get redeemed

ā€œYesā€¦YES! Let this land tremble before the might of the horde!ā€

Itā€™s hilarious. He just really hates birds. Canā€™t blame him :wink:


Itā€™s just the Night Elves that she genocided, no loss or atrocity according to the writers so she is definitely going to be redeemed. If they can describe genocide against the Night Elves as heroic and justified then you know where they stand.

They are going to focus on making things worse for Night Elves, and killing off Tyrande is part of that. Next up will be making Ashenvale a full Horde zone in the next world revamp.

Thatā€™s funny because I remember something different. The first thing they did was kill Garithos and the rest of his men.

Great way to earn some trust among the living right?

I hated Garithos but what Sylvanas did was straight betrayal.


Iā€™m not interested in hearing more needless pessimism, night elf fan or no. If Iā€™ve read one comment from you, Iā€™ve read literally all of them.


Itā€™s not pessimism though when itā€™s right there in front of us. Iā€™ve been saying it for a long time but now we have it right in front of us, just a matter of time until weā€™ll also officially see that Sylvanas and Nathanos redemption and how genocide is heroic and justified.

Iā€™ve been hoping it would be different the entire time, but now we have proof for that Tyrande dying part and I think Sylvanas getting redeemed was way more obvious the entire time than Tyrandeā€™s demise without doing anything, instead having her abandon her people too.

Weā€™re at the point where my supposed ā€œpessimismā€ has become reality.

This comment is exactly the same as the comment you wrote before it.


Then donā€™tā€¦

I just donā€™t understand why people like you are always in denial when something is right in front of them.

Adding to what you said, which is 100% also sylvanas didnt know how much of a buttface garithos was, she didnt know all the actions he did, all she knew is that he was rude.

I take hard confirmation. Not ā€œoh, this is probably gonna happen because Blizzard hates us!ā€

It gets tiresome hearing you piss and moan about the same thing nineteen times a week. Yeah, Night Elves have had it hard, but itā€™s not illogical to presume things will start to mend. The most I can say for you is youā€™re not spamming a bunch of threads that all basically amount to the same thing.

Like Iā€™ve said, if Iā€™ve read one comment from you, Iā€™ve read them all. Iā€™m 100% of the opinion that Night Elves deserve some love, and that BFA put upon them a lot. However, I have no reason to be as annoying and undesirably defeatist as you are.

Almost instantly, the angry pessimist Night Elf fan act gets old.


I feel like we donā€™t need hindsight to know Garithos wouldnā€™t have helped them nor vouched for them in the aftermath. There was no love lost from the get go with those two.

Was killing him a jerk move? Yeah. Was it what prevented the Alliance from allying with the Forsaken? Definitely not. Was it fun to watch? Definitely.


Considering what our promised Tyrande storyline actually is and the fact that they said that 8.1 was our conclusion, I think it is illogical, but thatā€™s just me.

Well itā€™s partly due to the fact that thereā€™s no hope left for anything good at this point anyway, and whenever I make a thread, no matter what it is about, people like you comment and tell me to stop posting without even reading it. Thatā€™s just not fun for me when I spent hours writing posts.

Donā€™t worry, Iā€™ll most likely be gone soon anyway. I just seem to be one of the few people that was able to see that there will never be any positive things for the Night Elves with hateful writers - and while I had a little hope, things on the Alpha are making me look like a fool for having hope. Glad that I didnā€™t often show it openly.

It would get old if it wasnā€™t justified forever. Itā€™s realistic and not pessimistic. If even Shadowlands can manage to give us more tragedy where we were supposed to get a ā€œpositiveā€ (they never actually said positive) moment for Tyrande, then maybe people should just accept that the only things the Night Elves will ever get are tragedy, defeats and humiliation.
The problem here is that I have never been proven wrong, and yet people still call me unreasonable even though everything I said about the future of the Night Elf story and the fact that 8.1 was all we were going to get was spot on. Soon youā€™ll even get to see a Sylvanas and Nathanos redemption and a people praising them for commiting a heroic act of genocide.

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we dont, but sylvanas didnt know the man