New to WoW especially BFA

Played WoW long time ago back in 2005 i think it was and then recently tried out Classic. Classic just didn’t do it for me so I tried BFA and much prefer it.

My question is about BM Hunters. What is the best pet for leveling? Pets feel real squishy compared to Classic.

Kodo are one of the best pet families for initial leveling. They hit slow but hard and are very tough.
Overall, ferocity pets tend to be better at tanking than tanking pets largely due to leach.

If you are BM, at 65, you get Exotic Pets skill. At that point, I would suggest clefthoof/rhino or core hound for solos work. Core hound tend to be the smallest of the two families and block your vision slightly less.
For group work, most BM people run with spirit beasts for the heal they have and keep a pet with blood lust on hand for general dungeons/raids. Some fights do best with pets from another specific family. is the reference site for hunter pets.

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Pets now are very different to pets in classic.
Pets have set roles. ie, So cats will always be Ferocity. ect.
For pve, You want Ferocity. It has leech and will keep you alive
For pvp, Are the others. Cunning or Tenacity

Exotic pets are BM only pets. Useful but not need if you don’t want to.

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