New to priest heals

I have healed a few 4 keys mostly because I have lower gear, but it feels like everyone is just taking huge amounts of damage. I guess what I am wondering is there something I am missing ? It seems like I have to blow cds almost as soon as they’re up. I have tried both holy and disc.

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Both specs are good at healing 1-15 keys.
You can’t really do that much if people just do not do mechanics.

Also if you’re playing Holy I strongly recommend you go the Flash Concentration legendary which will improve your healing by a lot.

Did your teammates fail mechanic?

One particular Tank I had to grip on the Devos fight , but other than that I hadn’t noticed any giant red flags.

I did notice that holy felt easier by a large margin, but otherwise sounds like I need to get a group of people I know to test runs out and make sure I am doing what I can.

One ridiculous side effect of the scaling key system that I have noticed is that very low keys (2-5) are usually harder to heal than middle keys because newbies who don’t know the mechanics are running those low keys as their first intro to M+.

I don’t think holy really turns on in m+/raid until it gets flash concentration so it’s super important to have that legendary and it will make your life a lot easier.

For disc if your group is not great and getting hit by mechanics you really can’t predict that damage so it’s going to be pretty rough.

I highly recommend holy over disc until you find a good group to run with and get that haste up.

Looks like you’re playing Venthyr Disc.

I made a thread to help new people on the spec way back when the expansion started and I was pushing KSM: Shadowlands Disc Priest M+ Tips - #9 by Kosmos-earthen-ring

For you specifically:

  • Never use spirit shell in dungeon. It is significantly worse than Rapture in dungeon content especially post-nerf. Spirit Shell’s value increases the more people you have in your group.
  • Use Mindgames and Mind Blast on different targets during pulls. Overlapping them is bad. Also try and use them on the mobs that are going to burst the hardest - though that takes some learning.
  • Pair Shadowfiend with Power Infusion when you drop that on an ally. Any time you would PI an ally, it’s during a more dangerous pull, and PI affects your shadowfiend’s attack speed making it a mini-healing cooldown.
  • Use Pain Suppression and Rapture frequently. Rapture in particular is a very short CD, and it’s a ton of healing throughput. Keep in mind that whoever you’re targeting when you first cast rapture will get a shield.
  • Barrier is OK to use on just your tank if you’re scared of the pull at all. You don’t need to hold onto it for specific group-damage scenarios. It’s better there, yes, but we’re in a dungeon meta with a bunch of ranged, and pug ranged players spread out super far, so it’s unlikely you’re gonna get much higher value.
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Thanks for all the input , healing did seem much easier once i started doing 6+ -9+ , it does seem like its either the easiest thing ever or I am doing 5k hps and everyone is almost dead. Anyone know what that’s about , is it standing in mechanics and not interrupting?

This expansion is very mechanic reliant.
Really you can do 15s+ dungeons with little to no heal depending on how well your DPS and Tank do.

If people don’t interrupt and do mechanics you’ll just have to pump a lot of healing and probably everyone will be dead.

The better you get at fights, the spec, and understanding the dungeon… the easier it will to heal. Not always the tank/dps fault.

Note; with Holy the spec is basically… heal nonstop as there is basically zero damage reduction and ways to prevent damage… you just… heal afterwards. Is what it is… but at least it can do the job. Not much downtime for DPS if it’s not a clean af run.

Both heal specs can get you KSM. I enjoy Holy completely when I run it and it’s a good time.

No its not always the tank or dps, but when I run the same dungeon with same + and one group needs a huge amount of healing and needs every cd I have vs a group that maybe needs pain sup and rapture once and a while I wonder what the differences between the two

I am pretty comfortable with disc , I was wondering for those who play both disc and holy if you swap depending on the weekly affix. A example would be this week is tyrannical , so I was thinking I would probably go holy over disc.

The difference is just group skill.
Sometimes you get a good group that knows dmg patterns, what to interrupt and what to dodge. And sometimes you get a group that just don’t know what to do.

Nope, I always play holy and you can play all affixes with whatever spec. I would only recommend for disc priests to go holy if they can on grievious weeks.

If you get into a group with a prot warrior make sure they know how to use ignore pain first. It isn’t worth doing a dungeon blasting a whole mana bar on every trash pull because some ape doesn’t know his class.

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I swap just for fun sometimes.

The only week I will pretty much always play Holy is Grievous week. You CAN heal grievous as Disc, it’s just more of a struggle than it should be. You can’t end a pull with people at half health and burst them up the next pull like normal in grievous, because sometimes the next pull is up a staircase or something so you’ve got a bunch of grievous stacking while you’re not healing - and once grievous is too high, it’s very hard to heal through as disc since atonement won’t sustain it.

But outside that week, I don’t really think of either priest spec as significantly more powerful. With a good tank, Disc will do way more damage by virtue of Mind Sear though.

When I was just starting out healing M+ dungeons in the 2-10 range I felt like i had a hard time keeping up, and that it was somehow my fault. When i started joining better groups I found that a lot of my 13-15 groups were taking LESS damage than my 2-10 groups. Healing actually got easier in the higher dungeons because dps were more likely to interrupt, or immediately move, or understood all the mechanics.

A lot of that early struggle I realized was because dps are being lazy or just arent very good, and they are letting the healer make up for it. Every single class has some form of recovery, evasion, self-heal, or mobility. A lot of players don’t use them at all.


The area I notice this the most is the mobs right before 3rd boss in Necrotic, that aoe dot cast is hard to heal through especially when tank wants to pull half the room