New to game and started on azshara but can play any server looking for dragonflight

Hey Flower,

My new guild, The Legal Bananas is currently raiding Sat/Sun 8-11pm est (we’re 7/11 N Seplucher) & we are in need of a few more dps classes such as shadow priest, feral druid, ret pally & rogue. We also do other non WoW activities such as Jackbox Party & Cards Against Humanity. On Wednesday nights we log onto Moon Guard toons & head down to Goldshire to try to wh_re ourselves out & make gold for our subs! But you do not have to participate in any activities unless you want to! We also are big into voice chat & there are often many people hanging out in the Tiki Lounge in our discord just chilling & sometimes doing stuff in WoW together but often just enjoying each others company! We’d love to get a few more members & grow our happy little family!

Here is my recruitment spam if you’d like to learn more:

If you’re interested or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to DM me on discord: Jem#6738

Can’t wait to hear from you, have a great rest of your day!

:heart: / Jem