New tier sets 10.1

Wow, they really said “mail? don’t know her”


The priest and paladin sets should be switched.


ewww nooo yall can keep the dress

As is usual with dh tier sets, so no surprise there

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I’m just gonna steal as much of the Evoker set as possible and pretend it’s the Hunter set. Not like they get to wear it anyway. Hopefully Blizz prioritizes it for the non-tier mail drops in the raid.


Damn look at that glorious Tier I’ll never get.

I think all of them are pretty great, with Priest being the big winner this time around.

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To whoever does the Hunter tier sets…

Can you not?


Paladin Set looks more like a Priest Set, and the Priest Set looks more like a Paladin Set.

That’s weird


I don’t want to be rude because real people took time to make these sets… That being said, I think that they do look rushed and not nearly as good as the season 1 sets.

I think Blizzard should bring WHOEVER made the diablo immortal sets over to WOW. Immortal has a ton of sets and they are all superior to the ones from the above screenshot.

WoW already have one of the Diablo art directors working at the game (quite noticeable in legion/jailer architecture)

I think the priest and paladin sets are probably mislabeled in that image.

Payback for the Legion class hall storyline :rofl:

funny that I feel the hunter one is better than the usual “ima wear the head of the final boss in an awful way”


Here’s hoping that Shadow rework actually isn’t a total mess like the other five Shadow reworks we got, because that Priest set is VERY NICE.

Naah, it’s clear that they are correct. The Paladin one is way more “bulkier”

Naw, the paladin one is just kinda old school holy paladin gear plus you can see it’s mostly plate whereas the priest one is more cloth with adornments

Disagree… Priest looks absolutely… wow. The DK set looks underwhelming.
I’m not sure how I feel about the warrior set…

Priest set is a bit too extra for me

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Hunter sneaking thru thick foilage.
Shoulder armor says ‘I think not’.