New Tier Set Models for 11.1

I feel the same, the Druid one especially looks so boring to me, also I feel like it looks similar to something druids have had before.

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It’s literally the reason Blizzard don’t do raid themed set anymore, they admited that… how it is irrelevant? lol
Also, racial themed armors already exist: the Heritage sets… They delivered that request too…

If you want goblin themed sets, don’t worry. The open world and reputation sets of the Undermine zone are all about goblins.

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What? The shaman nerubar set is so cool. I loved the water effects.

The Druid set is so good ugh I wish Balance was playable in normal form but I understand why it isn’t. (Glyph of Stars is too much, needs the Shadow Form treatment).

The Mage set is really good.

The lock set is also really good but we have a lot of those sets already, hooded helm, intense shoulders, spikes.

This is actually the first Evoker set I’d say is a flop. The PVP color variants kind of save it though.

Hunter set is decent.

Rogue set is really good (for Outlaw lol)

I think you’re nuts. The Shaman set is amazing. But I don’t know how good it’ll look on Dwarfs, Tauren, Orcs lol.

The rest are mid. Monk is my least favorite.

I’m personally really glad they didn’t go for “patch-themed” mogs. It feels way better to have mogs that are focused on the overarching timeless class fantasy rather than trying to fit the aesthetic flavor of the month. They’ll provide us with plenty of goblin-themed armor sets in this patch, I’m sure; we don’t need all the tier sets to be goblin-themed too.

Yes , it’s better like this.
Raid sets being classe themed, and the open world sets being the theme of the patch.

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My monkey’s paw finger will curl, of course, when this comes back around to bite me in the butt in Midnight when I want a Farstrider-themed hunter tier and they give me another carcass to wear LOL. But my own selfish desires set aside, I do think this is overall a good change of direction.

TED talk, it’s not so much the fact that they make us wear roadkill, it’s that they don’t seem to know how to do it without making it a redundant copy of the Druid sets. Make Hunters look like they’re wearing elaborate trophy rooms, I’m talking trophy antlers for shoulders type stuff.

Hunters are all about hunting down and killing animals or using them in combat, Druids are more plants and the environment with a smaller focus on turning into animals, 50% of Druid players don’t even stay humanoid, 25% rarely do, and 1/4th actually stay out of shape most of the time. (Just what I statistically observe around MG in SW and beyond, it’s not unusual for half of all Druids to basically be an animal just running around, and usually the ones who aren’t are Worgen or Nigh Elf female)

It’s not too big a loss for them to not really have armor.

Most of them are decent. Shaman and Mage has me scratching my head though. Doesn’t feel Shaman or Mage to me.

It’s a mashup of a few other Tier sets, with a coupld of tweaks to look new and fresh. The only true druid gear that has ever really impressed me was the Class Hall set from Legion that actually looked like something a Druid would wear.


That’s fair! I think if they leaned into less morbid things instead, like feathers and antlers, I could maybe get behind it. But the moment I see an animal’s actual dead body part, I’m like nah no thanks. My character simply wouldn’t wear that.

But I understand that’s not necessarily what other people feel! My personal class fantasy is simple more “refined and elegant elven ranger” rather than “rugged trapper.” So on the rare occasion we get a hunter set that is more of the former than the latter… I’m very happy!

Slowly steals the 11.1 Drust set from you “Want not waste not…”

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i feel that, it was bound to happen. it will take some time for me to get used to it. I am sure the mythic version has some cool effects. But yea, not as strong this season.

You mean the Sea of Thieves Collab set? The heroic set looks exactly like flameheart from sea of thieves xD.

LOL I hadn’t even noticed, now I’ll never be able to unsee it.

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I do really like the DK one, but OP is right how a lot of them feel outa place

Cuz like imagine if the DK had more of a nechron theme with death and robotics

Go hard

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You are now legally obligated to shout: “Friiiiiiiiiiiiiiezaaaaaaa!” every 5 minutes while using the Monk tier.

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Those talons at the bottom of the boots look like the Hunter is gonna hate their life.

Take a look at the Warfront sets: Human, Orc, Kaldorei and Forsaken got a full extra set of armors and weapons.

Frankly, that’s what i’m waiting to see on wowhead.
There’re cool weapons and if we have four armor sets, i will cease to complain about it.
It will be like the Warfront sets but for the Goblins this time.
I wish that every race get to have their own.

I came here to just to echo exactly what you said…the monk and rogue ones look dope AF.