New spec with 6+ second GCD

This spec probably wouldn’t be eligible for pvp. This spec is for pve endgame accessibility. You have players who have injury in their arms, carpal tunnel, nerve damage. You also have players who want a smoother ride - the fast pace isn’t for everyone (but it’s for a lot of people, so maybe even increase base haste for some other specs. Cough cough demo).

So I think you should make a third spec for the new class - a spec that is intended to be played slowly. A spec with few buttons like havoc DH. Maybe this spec interrupts a spell or two automatically every now and again and brings a passive damage buff so it’s useful in keys. This spec should not be powerful, but viable, it should be as strong as BM hunter currently is.

I imagine that this spec will not use haste. I’m not going to tell you how to implement it, you know more than I do anyways. However, I know for a fact that there would be players interested in a very slow spec.

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They already have quite a few accessibility options for people with different physical limitations, and have continued to add more over the years. The intent is to allow them to play the same game and have the same experience as everyone else. I don’t think making a dedicated spec that is inherently worse, so much so that it isn’t eligible for pvp, is going to make anyone feel more included.

Like what? What legal accessibility option helps people play the game with less than 30 APM at a relevant level?

The reason this isn’t for pvp is because the spells would need to hit very hard to make up for their low frequency. Additionally, with a 6 second GCD, they could not react quickly enough to counter the other teams’ gos.

The spec is not worse, it’s just not better - people who the spec is not made for would be frustrated if it were meta. It would be better for impaired mobility players than a spec where they’d be doing 30% of their simdps because it hurts to play faster.

Havoc Demon Hunters with demon blades as a talent

70.6 APM. Next

Frost DKs?

Or even beast mastery hunters?

Close to the lowest, still 53.7 apm. That’s almost an action per second.

54.0-61.6 depending on talents, a few are meta.

This spec would be 10 apm. Enough time to move around and get comforable. Not anywhere near the movement requirements most specs nowadays which trigger flare ups left and right.

As a disabled person, please use a different topic as troll fodder.

there’s actual accessibility improvements that need to be made and you’re just hurting people ever taking disability seriously with this thread.


You think I am trolling? You don’t know a thing about me or my life. Not all people with disabilities would play this spec, just the common disability of nerve damage.

You may be disabled but not have a problem with the speed of the classes in WoW. If so, good for you. This thread is not about your accessibility problem, but please make your own thread if you find a good solution.

Here are some other people talking about the same thing.

If pushing a key on a keyboard more than once every 6 seconds is too strenuous for you what can you do? This is an absurd suggestion.

6 sec is an eternity holy crap

wait Evoker will have 6 seconds GCD?

no? why would it?