New shuffle healing rule

Except it doesn’t. It drops your cr not your mmr.

it would be nice if that were the case, but for unclear reasons blizzard did not set up shuffle leaving to instantly cash out every unplayed round as a loss for the deserted team. blizzard thinks you’d rather your time be wasted than your win/loss and cr be impacted by a leaver. this garbage logic makes no attempt to account for a match where deadweight destined to go 0-6 leaves after losing a 3rd consecutive one of your rounds, right before your chance to beat them 3x and at least go even.

an apparent consequence is that nobody gains mmr for the unplayed rounds. without anyone gaining mmr for the unplayed rounds, i assume there’s mathematical reasons that would cause the ladder to shrivel up and implode like benjamin button if leavers lost ghost mmr nobody else gained

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I wouldn’t know enough about it to argue, because I don’t leave games. I also don’t have some weird inability that prevents me from understanding how Frost DK works, and further take that out on the rest of the lobby.

But I do remember losing internet connection (s1?) and having deserter buff and CR hit (150ish), then later realizing I endured a massive hit to my MMR too. I was pretty pissed about it at the time because this was right after they announced multiple offenses will get you banned, and I felt that this was a huge punishment for something largely out of my control.

Did they change something? Or was it always like this? Because I can’t find any blue post on the subject, but people on reddit seem to also concur that MMR hit is/was a thing.

most of the systems we (PvP) have are outdated and even in their prime weren’t well thought out or scalable. when you idolize rating as the sole requirement for prestige it results in what we are currently experiencing. elitist attitudes, egos, and a general sense of “I’m better than you, so get good”. PvE in general has way, way more investment into it & rightfully so. that’s their bread & butter. I don’t have all the answers but I will tell you honestly I have 0 faith in Microsoft. I wouldn’t be surprised if we’re witnessing the beginning of the end.

Found it: Solo Shuffle Update - January 6th 2023

Are you implying they only made this change to dps players?

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My guess from that anecdote is that your disconnected husk lost most or all of the five penultimate rounds, blowing a huge crater in your mmr, and then it formally ejected you near the end of the match

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I think he’s saying that healers know you don’t lose MMR because they’re more likely to dodge due to no queue times.

Also that MMR is only docked for rounds lost.

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Deserter though, so that wasn’t it.

Allegedly, but then why does the linked blue post say otherwise?

Because it’s from a time where anyone leaving the match gave everybody else absolutely nothing, and didn’t resolve any of the rounds actually played. So you didn’t lose any mmr if you went 0-5 and left, whereas now leaving will drop your mmr for the 5 rounds played and lost.

Yes, that’s what the post I linked said. But this thread seems to believe otherwise, as they are claiming leaving does NOT tank your mmr.

I mean, it doesn’t. 0-1 and then leaving is like 10 mmr lost compared to going 0-6 and losing 30-60.

Because originally leaving just nullified everything.

If you zone into a nightmare lobby and leave then you’re penalized with -150 CR and 0 adjustment to MMR. MMR losses occur from you losing rounds prior to leaving.


This is what I was looking for. Thank you.

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Oh, and if memory serves losses (and wins?) aren’t truly counted until everybody is reset back into the starting room. So (at least in theory?) you can die opener and there’s a 1-2 second grace period where you can leave and not get the loss. :dracthyr_heart:

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I thought your name was Jayne, but hey. Maybe it’s the Mandela effect.

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Yes it is. Stop posting you sound silly.


Maybe I’m missing something-if you play five rounds and then leave, you get deserter, no?

No, I was missing something. Yes, it’s possible it booted me in round 6.

I thought you were suggesting the shuffle finished all 6 rounds, and thats why i lost MMR

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All you gotta do is, type /afk at the start of the round you think you’re going to lose, it has a 5 secs timer so doing it right before someone dies isn’t going to work and will still deduct your mmr loss for the round. Just have the window ready, it blocks a big chuck of ur screen but lets be real here, u ain’t trying to win this anyway. If by some miracle your team wins, great, rinse and repeat next round, if not just click leave before you get set back to the starting room. Ezpz.