New Realms Coming for WoW Classic

My guild took a vote as a guild and collectively decided to stay on Herod instead of moving to Stalagg. I suspect not every guild has done this. I’m also not complaining about them rolling servers out at the pace they are and that is probably because of that fact.

You know what might spread out the realm population as smooth as possible? releasing more than 5 ‘original’ servers when the community has been clamoring for this for years. Just a thought boss.

Merged servers on retail are called connected realms or something, people kept their original server name so there wouldn’t be any naming conflictions. Like my server Firetree is dead, but because they connected it with like 5 other realms it’s listed as high pop.

I really hope it doesn’t come to that though, it’s like CRZ when you have people from other servers running around.

That’s where we are different. When someone says “streamer”, you’re thinking at Asmongold, while I think of Cdew, Venruki, Snutz, Sonii etc.

It happens with launches because it is hard to predict server loads months in advance when these decisions are made. Sadly the development cycle is a big part of why this happens, they have to try to predict things based off trends and their options are undershoot or overshoot basically. As far as cost it is less expensive to undershoot and then build up to the required number of servers than it is to spin up a ton of extra servers just to shut them down later after merging them and creating terrible communities divided by original server cultures.

You are correct, because when someone says “streamer” in a negative way they generally are referring to Asmongold or someone like him. I’m in no way saying all streamers are bad, but a few bad apples.


This being said there are likely to be streamers on every server. Both big and small.

You do realize that most of the new realm names we’ve been getting are from AQ and Naxx right?

Exactly this. I think the player pop and Blizz are underestimating the sleeping giant they just woke up. Predicting 80% to fade away? No chance it’s close to that number.

From what I have seen on retail is pretty bland, rinse and repeat (I haven’t played end game, so I’m biased towards the leveling process). It’s not rewarding nor do the communities come close to what was even generated on the stress test servers… in 4 days.

What happens in a few months from now if classic is flourishing and the retail expansion is a flop?


Like I said though, every opportunity they had to get data to help with this prediction they opted to monetize instead. Demo during blizzcon? better sell that. Beta invites? only for paying customers. Stress test laggy servers to lvl 15 only? $15 please!

So, no. That “It’s hard for the multi-billion dollar company” excuse doesn’t hold water. They are reaping what they sew. And they are relying on this weird anti-corporate backlash trend on the internet to protect them.


people said there wouldnt be anymore NA pvp PST realms…

Nobody with any sense said this.


Great news like this and people are still b*tching. Good Lord.


Praise Ragnaros!

I’m not saying they didn’t screw up, I’m saying some of the decisions were made months ago long before they knew any of this and likely any attempt to change them received push back from Activision Executives trying to make as much profit as possible. So don’t get angry at the developers for doing their jobs as best they can to provide us with what we’ve been hounding them for for nearly 14 years.

I’m in awe of your ability to read a calendar. Yes, today is the 19th.

It will be come launch day when the other PVP servers have queues.

People are worried other servers might become dead in a few short months.

Also, multiple groups of people (guilds, alliances and such) have decided to stay on Herod. Some people want to leave, some people don’t. Those that leave won’t play with the alliances made. The point I’m getting at is that people will start being scattered around servers.

It’s a company. Activision Blizzard. I am voicing my displeasure with that entity. Every product or service made by a corporation has good people who just want to do their best attached to it. If you concern yourself with the feelings of the developers then you allow the company as a whole to get away with whatever they want, and use their employees as proverbial human shields against any PR repercussions.


Ehh… they’re pretty amazingly dense.

If they actually were considering that thing they should be considering It’s a no brainer at this point to double the amount of servers…

Blizzard is not prepared. Those who make the calls have proven again and again they really don’t understand the core audience of very game they design.

‘You think you do but you don’t…’ is oft repeated and rightly so, as it sums all of the disconnected hubris up.


I don’t disagree that Activision Blizzard is terrible (even if it is really just Activision and they absorbed Blizzard and just keep the namesake). But I can’t help but be aware of the developers involved because I am a software developer and I understand the stupid decisions and nonsense they have to deal with every day because some executive who has absolutely no idea what they are talking about is too full of themselves and the fact that they are “in charge” to listen to the developers.

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