New Realm Connections are Underway

Here’s hoping my original realm, where my original chars are merges with my other Alliance realm. I mean…there’s a chance, right?


This is merging servers, just using Blizzards definition.

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AD is a RP server so there’s zero chance of that happening. You’ll be connected to another RP realm.


I hate to rain on your parade, but Korialstrasz is in LA and Zul’Jin is in Chicago, so don’t expect to see them connected.

You can see the server locations here.

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Good to know. Would love to see one of the realms (Garrosh) I play on connected as it’s dead most of the time.

plz do some of the classic realms! arcanite reaper is dead

They should do what FFXIV does which is similar.

Individual realms don’t matter too much in that game I don’t believe. Moreso what realm cluster you’re on.

Please connect Drenden-Arathor with a horde heavy server… I’m sick of seeing Alliance guilds comprising 90-95% of the wowprogress listings here.

As much as I love connecting with people…
Can Wyrmrest Accord be disconnect from Moon Guard? For a little while at least?..
Other realms should take turns connecting to Moon Guard…

… I’m kidding… I love you Moon Guardians :facepunch: :heart:

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I wonder if anything is going to happen to my old Burning Legion realm. Its listed as a Medium realm, but it sure doesn’t feel like it. I can sit in trade for several minutes at a time and not see a single thing come up.

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This isn’t CRZ though.

This is just connected realms, which is actually a wonderful idea.

CRZ is the terrible thing that gives you random people from anywhere when you use LFR/LFG and basically makes any sort of “server reputation” irrelevant (and gives rise to things like Raider IO, but that’s another discussion).

Connected Realms is a way for people on smaller servers to be able to be part of a larger community where they can actually trade and be part of guilds with other servers.

What they NEED to do, is make the Connected Realms larger, like 5 servers, and then CLOSE them, eliminating CRZ entirely.

Hopefully they are moving that direction, because a large connected server GROUP that is CLOSED would go a longer way to bringing back server reputation (or in this case it would be “realm” reputation)


Yeah yeah…

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This sounds great ! less servers with bigger populations will make the world feel more vibrant and full for the players. If i had one suggestion it would be to merge servers in a way to lessen the faction imbalance.

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Please don’t be upset or concerned if Kirin Tor is merged with Moon Guard for example. Goldshire won’t affect you in the slightest. I have a feeling we may see another RP server (or two) connected with our very sizable population.

I welcome new friends…and hounds. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
edit but this may not happen if they keep the merges to the same data center

Get rid of cross realm sharding please, this kills a realm identity. Not sure a single person likes it except you guys. It is horrid to choose a realm and get stuck with people not from the realm.

You will also destroy the AH on any realms to combine. Do you care about that?


I play mostly on Scarlet Crusade realm. It is where my toons are and I can’t afford to move them all. You need to be quick on the first day of the Nz oth invasions or be able to solo the bosses. Seems no one does them after the initial first day rush. I’ll be happy to see more folks around.

This is good news for the people for a long time been asking for this. :smiley:

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You’ll probably get Gundrak. (:sunglasses:

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How disappointing :frowning:

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Merging is far worse than CRZ.