3:13 and no transfer
Acredito que para a blizzard alocar um servidor dedicado aqui na America do Sul, teríamos que migrar para esse reino que eles estão abrindo e mostrar sim que tem bastante brasileiro que joga WoW.
Não digo isso somente para os brasileiros, mas toda a America Latina.
im brazilian and g.ringo is not an offensive word, its simple a way to call anyone that is not brazilian no matter where that person is from
if you use it with a negative adjective the whole phrase will be negative but because of the adjective and not because the g.ringo
Vou mandar meu alt para lá, para ver como vai ser.
Same ping sad
160 ms, really sad :c … thanks blizzard
And PVE? I’ve been playing in PVE realms. there are a lot of people who play PVE.
I think a new realm PVE in braziliam realms, are a good idea.
Of course its not a “trully BR server”. So no reason at all to transfer, why would I? Just so I could play with brazilians? Nah…
A Bizzard fazendo um cercadinho para separar Br´s e Latinos dos Americanos recalmões e ainda vejo otários agradecendo… Eu não caio nessa trap. Fico no Thalnos mesmo.
tarde demais blizz
They are getting what they asked for a special Brazilian server separate from the LAs. It appears they didn’t want one after all.
Blizzard making a playpen to separate Br´s and Latinos from American recalmons and still see suckers thanking… I don’t fall for this trap. I stay at Thalnos.
… there were numerous threads from Brazilians and LA asking for this - now blizzard is doing this to get you ?
no one asked for this, we want a server located in brazil or SA so we can get a lower latency
No one ?
Pretty sure there were a lot of these type of complaints.
Why can’t I migrate from RP server? Isn’t RP also PvP?
All my friends migrated from other servers and I got stuck there alone. :’(
So they’re doing what should of been done from the start?
Huh??? Dude you guys got your own server, Now scram.
dont take my words literally, i meant the most part of the community is still asking for a server located in SA and not a realm in chicago
You are still paying a reduced price for your monthly sub aren’t you ?
Heartseeker is not a dead server anymore lol