New PVP update on ERA coming aug 23

Literally never going to happen. They have a limit of 3 posts per year here and the rest is saved for random social media or obscure streams.


Its pretty vague but having read the whole post it would appear that will be the case and you are correct.

I guess they have no choice but to start everyone over. I still think people who hit R14 (or any level of pvp gear) will be able to keep their gear though.

Yeah for sure

Based on the original blue post I imagine that everyone will be set to 0. They made it fairly clear to stop ranking if you arent going to hit 14 before the patch comes in…

should be zero impact on any gear already gained.

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They announced they would do exactly this like 2 months ago :joy:

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There would be no need for a warning if you got to keep your rank after the reset. For example, if it was not a full reset to zero, you would just continue your progress from Rank 13.

I’m interested to see if people starting PVPing at lower levels with the reset.

Oh ye…maybe I should finish up my 19 twink since I have nothing else to do until aug 23!

Okay so they said first they’re going to reset the ranking system for the new system, but now they’re saying " Any ranking progress you make after that date will not be retained " Making it seem like we may not get the progress we made to the next rank, but will still have our rank and it will be set to 0 (honor gained since that rank)… I still don’t know… Whatever i’m done with this topic lmao

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Why bother gloating when I was already corrected by another poster and conceded the point? My query was centered more around the gear aspect of the reset since that’s a part of the ranking process.

It doesn’t say anything in regard to people who already hit R14 or what happens to lifetime HKs in this reset. As in, is your old highest rank still going to show in the pvp window along with your previous HK totals or is that all reset too? Whats the deal with pvp gear?

If those are not reset and people are presumably going to get to keep their previously earned gear how is it they cant carry over your current rank as well? That seems a little contradictory. That blue post does not paint a complete picture.

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In all likelihood, lifetime stats will be retained, no gear will be removed, and all players will be set to rank 0.

I’m hardly in a position to be correcting poor phrasing but I find that’s something lacking at times in Blizzard’s official communications.

Mine as well.

Im having the same problem the OP is seeing as they have made somewhat contradictory statements and didnt really expound on either.

Im guessing you’re prior highest rank and lifetime HKs/DKs will be retained, as well as gear but if they can do that then they don’t need to take your current rank 12 all the way back down to zero either.

Just like the OP, it seems like if you’re mid rank 10 going on 11 into the reset you will come out at the beginning of R10 as that seems way more palatable than making everyone starting over from scratch - but that can be extrapolated from the first blue post about the reset.

It’s possible they will set you to 0% of your highest rank, but equally possible they will set you to r0. Expect the worse, the 2 months in advance notice is why I lean towards the latter.


Seeing as they cause a lot of confusion sometimes Id expect something along the lines of “for example, if youre rank 11 you will log in on Aug 23rd and have no rank at all but gear and the like will be retained”.


Direct communication creates responses.
Sometimes honesty causes people to feel bad things.

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It is very odd how they said it would be reset in their original post on 5/22, but haven’t reiterated on that really at all.

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Thats what I got out of the later blue post, yeah. The original post linked in response to me can definitely be construed as a total reset. So yeah, it can go either way at this point but it would be nice to know for sure.

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I understood the original post as everyone would be set to r0. You wont lose any gear gained only ranking. Its terrible for those that hit r14 that they wont be able to keep the title and will have to re-rank again. =(

On a note; OH, ITS ON starting Aug23… =)

Damned if they do and damned if they dont.

Whatever it ends up being you can bet your bottom dollar people are going to be on the forums complaining about it.

They’ve pretty much acknowledged it.
While I have a bit of fun poking at them with my stick posts here, I realize the difficulty and don’t envy them.

Well the cms/mods not the devs.

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