If it’s another premade just sit in trollbane hall and the match ends really quick.
Not about only farming the kills. You get to R14 faster by completing the bgs and even faster by winning them. Both WSG and AV can both be turlted. AB is the only one in Classic that you can do back to back and have the BG end in a reasonable time no matter how long you try to drag it out.
Any who has ever gotten R14 will agree with me on that. I have 1 R14, 1 R10, 2 R8s, and a bunch of lower BG titles on my toons. AB farming is the best. AV is best for HK farming until other BGs come out and AV is only best at HK farming if you go and turtle the bridge.
I have ranked multiple times. Som2 will be my 6th rank.
AB can be easily “turtled”
20-30 minutes is not a “reasonable” amount of time to be stuck in 1 game.
AB is the best bg hands down IF your team is good enough to 5 cap and 5 cap only.
If you often get stuck vs the pugs who can hold stables, or a premade that can hold 2, you’re burning a TON of time vs just winning every wsg game in 7-9m.
AB is lucrative on the 6-7m wins. As soon as you can’t break the node turtle your HPH is horse.
We’re talking 23k HPH for ab spam 5 caps vs 12k hph when you can’t spam 5 caps. That’s an insane difference.
As someone who has been in top ab hph premades, it is extremely taxing on the mind to spam 5 caps because of the resilience of some pugs to hold stb or other stubborn premades. You can’t really zone out or half afk in ab. In wsg as soon as you show your guns normally the teams or pugs fold unless the prems are looking for a game.
Wsg is way less taxing on your stamina. AB mentally is the worst battleground imo. Your average ranker likes ab better cause it’s
“Easier” to play. But their HPH is dogwater if they aren’t the best.
That’s just the way it is. That’s the truth