New PVP System seems to be off

The lastest blue post said they didn’t add up correct. I noticed you are getting “honor gained: xx” after each kill in the chat window now.

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(Edit to add: This was assuming we’re talking about the PTR, if you’re asking this for live which reading this again you probably are, the new system isn’t active and there’s a lot more to that answer)

Yes, as the last post said, Blizzard said there was some HK bug, so maybe that rogue got way over 110 kills but that number didn’t show.

Or maybe he soloed all those people so he got full honor from them… nah, in this case, I think it’s the bug. :slight_smile:

I thought about testing this but didn’t bother or I’d share my numbers, but the PTR is there for a reason, so hopefully (most of) the kinks will be ironed out.

My Paladin is Rank 3.

Life time kills 80

Also depends heavily on how many points you get per kill… For example if you’re in AV and get kills that way you only get a division of the kill in terms of points, rather than all of it.

If you do world PVP like I do then you are more likely to get full credit and and you kill a Rank 14 rogue like Styls and I did here last week and get full cred its quite a few points… Most of the time my world PVP honor per kill is around 120, where as if you’re in a BG like AV that could be a low as 3 points a kill especially if diminishing returns kick in.

Also depends on level. If you’re getting a lot of HKs while leveling just know they are infantile compared to HKs at max. Was always a major flaw imo that capped twinks away from higher ranks.

Also farming kills in AV / WSG does not provide much honor because of diminishing returns

Go to youtube and search “easiest way to get rank14”, you will learn why.

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We are all level 60 its the PTR… And there are no AV’s EVER, only AV that has EVER popped on PTR was when Guzo or w/e his name was 40 druid vs 40 Lock another streamer… I have pretty much played nonstop so that cannot be the reason.

Only thing I could think of is this Rogue that had Stone Guard rank and 110 kills was doing world pvp maybe? But considering that this person was near the Battle Grounds guys, I doubt it.

But don’t listen to me and see that something is wrong,at least I tried to point it out.

I’m glad you were talking about the PTR so my original assessment was right because I read it again and thought my answer was really off to where I went back and edited the post, lol.

I was more thinking about it and was surprised he could get Stone Guard in week 1. If you got Scout by playing non-stop that’s weird too but really it may all be related to the bug.

If you didn’t see it, this is what Blizzard said:

It is good for you to point this all out for sure so props there.

Hang on - have there been rank evaluations on the PTR? I didn’t think they were allowing the first round of rank calculations to be evaluated, anywhere I can read discussions on the honor/rank people received?

Being real I have no clue. My comments were based off what the OP has been saying… but I haven’t been on that PTR since the first day.

So great question. :slight_smile:

Become the sandman?

Nope. It’s something else

You could defend in battlegrounds and get less kills but get lots of bonus honor if you’re winning. Standing in the flag room dropping frost traps or dispels won’t get you as many kills as fighting mid field. Wouldn’t be that hard to imagine the changes broke something though.

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Yup, the law of unintended consequences.

HKs dont matter as much as wins do to go along with them and if you kill the same person back to back you get less and less credit after 3 times of killing that person in a BG you get 0 credit for the kill.

AB is best to farm out R14 WSG is worst AV would be the best but the queues take too long to where you end up being able to do more ABs and get it quicker that way.

You can get R14 in under 20k HKs, but most people have 50k HKs or more when they get it. Still others have over a 100k HKs and still do not have it. You pretty much have to start playing and not stop playing until you get it otherwise the titles drop and you dont progress.

You should have at least rank 8 with only 5k HKs done. If you are one of those who has rank 9 with that many, thats good, on the right path, you have rank 2 or 3 with that many, that means you are either doing the wrong bgs or are doing the right bgs but just not doing them enough.

Farming kills is useless compared to winning the games

Ab is only better than wsg if you can 5cap in 6 minutes every single game.

One slip where you’re stuck 4-1 vs a pug will cost you 20 minutes.

A 3-2 vs another prem almost 30 ninutes

Ab isn’t as good as people think it is unless you’re the #1 team

If it’s another premade just sit in trollbane hall and the match ends really quick.

Not about only farming the kills. You get to R14 faster by completing the bgs and even faster by winning them. Both WSG and AV can both be turlted. AB is the only one in Classic that you can do back to back and have the BG end in a reasonable time no matter how long you try to drag it out.

Any who has ever gotten R14 will agree with me on that. I have 1 R14, 1 R10, 2 R8s, and a bunch of lower BG titles on my toons. AB farming is the best. AV is best for HK farming until other BGs come out and AV is only best at HK farming if you go and turtle the bridge.

I have ranked multiple times. Som2 will be my 6th rank.

AB can be easily “turtled”

20-30 minutes is not a “reasonable” amount of time to be stuck in 1 game.

AB is the best bg hands down IF your team is good enough to 5 cap and 5 cap only.

If you often get stuck vs the pugs who can hold stables, or a premade that can hold 2, you’re burning a TON of time vs just winning every wsg game in 7-9m.

AB is lucrative on the 6-7m wins. As soon as you can’t break the node turtle your HPH is horse.

We’re talking 23k HPH for ab spam 5 caps vs 12k hph when you can’t spam 5 caps. That’s an insane difference.

As someone who has been in top ab hph premades, it is extremely taxing on the mind to spam 5 caps because of the resilience of some pugs to hold stb or other stubborn premades. You can’t really zone out or half afk in ab. In wsg as soon as you show your guns normally the teams or pugs fold unless the prems are looking for a game.

Wsg is way less taxing on your stamina. AB mentally is the worst battleground imo. Your average ranker likes ab better cause it’s
“Easier” to play. But their HPH is dogwater if they aren’t the best.

That’s just the way it is. That’s the truth

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