New player looking for help

As the title suggests, I am a new player about to create my first character. However, I am not entirely sure what server I should choose. I have tried reading the forum and there is an overwhelming amount of talk about dying realms and a lot of conflicting opinions about which realms are “safe” to play on.

I will be playing a horde warlock. Could you all please tell me which server would be my best bet to make a character on? I realize I will probably be playing alone in the early levels, but I would like for there to be an active community once I do hit 60+ though.

Additionally, if anyone knows of a solid guild that would be willing to take in a new player, please let me know.

Windseeker could use more horde but you’ll probably be going to Mankrik or Faerlina like most people.

I don’t have the slightest idea which servers or “safe” I can however offer input. I am currently on the Grobb server. I have a few toons ranging for 15-36 as of the writing of this message. I am always looking for others to play/group with. No guild as of yet. So, take this information for what you think it’s worth.


Just be safe and roll the populated side on one of the largest servers. The information is here:
WoW TBC Classic Server population (

I recommend you also go onto the server Discord and also level a little bit while watching the chat. Just get a feel for if you want to play on that server or not. I wish there were more choices for people but at this point, it’s just best to avoid any server with Medium pop or lower.

Of course it totally depends on what you’re looking for, but if these sentiments ring true for you, feel free to check us out on Faerlina.

Do yourself a favor and just go to Mankrik. Even Faerlina will be a dead realm in a few months.

Curious why are you saying this? Faerlina has a 5k pop advance on Mankrik. Most of Herod is moving there too at the end of the season. I feel like both Mankrik and Faerlina would be super safe servers. If your looking for a westcoast server I would recommend Whitemane

You will seen very soon

PvE: Mankrik
PVP: Whitemane, Faerlina

those are your solid horde options

Grobb is a good server for Horde if you’re into a more community type experience and want some pvp while being the underdog. You’ll have a good time there, it’s active and has some strong guilds.

Horde main on Mankrik here (Don’t let my retail mage fool you), and this server is very alive. It’s definitely not hard to find a group or even talk to people in every zone. The only down side for me on a bigger pop server like this one, is always the amount of people on the same quests as you, and some (if not most) don’t want to group up.

Other than that, it’s a pretty friendly realm, haven’t seen that many obnoxious folks running around.

If you prefer the classic era experience, I would recommend you come to Whitemane.

The community is pretty active and a safe bet. In TBC there is no safe bet as of yet :wink:

Mankrik is definitely horde heavy. Me and my wife rolled a pair of space goats and just went with where they put us. Even with a crazy ratio we still manage to find groups and our guild has helped a lot, The biggest issue is the economy, the AH is a pain to deal with at times.

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