New player here! Is there an easy way to make friends in WoW?

I understand the very bare basics of the game. But something has been missing for the whole experience.

I play games with a lot of people, but none of them are drawn to WoW due to the monthly payment. I have spent time on other MMOs and was quite enjoyed by them. The thing that was missing: Player Interaction.

Most MMOs are quite social as users are usually centralized in a few locations where you can meet new and old players. But along the 20 or so hours I’ve played in game, I have yet to meet someone that actually talks lol. Everyone I met questing was either an old player speed leveling with heirlooms and could care less about my existence or a player from another realm. (Or at least I think that is what the * means next to their name?)

The old players don’t care about me and that’s fine and understandable, they probably have other people they play with. The problem is I can’t seem to find anyone from my realm questing that are actually relatively new like I am. MMOs are MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER and should have some sort of player interaction. Maybe I am just unlucky idk.

If there is a Discord or some other place where noobs or new(er) players unite to share the experience of this massive world, please help.

Also the two guilds I joined were quite antisocial as well. Kinda sucks.

The class discords are usually pretty good. I haven’t been in the hunter one since early legion but from experience the Death Knight, Monk, and Druid ones are all helpful and as for the Monk discord we see new players pretty regularly.

New players come together organically from what I’ve seen. Don’t know how they do it but they do.

There are some communities set up that you can check out here and decide for yourself what might be a good fit. Some are in-game and some are based both in-game and in discord.

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First off welcome to wow. If you’d like you can add me on bnet, I’m always down to socialize with new players! I mostly play horde but I’m still down to chat and give pointers. My btag is YogSothoth16#1918

Unfortunately it’s pretty hard to get anyone to talk at low levels, even in group content. Sometimes you’ll get lucky and run into a group of people who are interested in being social, but typically people are going to stay quiet and try to get through the content as quickly as possible.

Your best options not yet mentioned are to either join a “social” guild (which can sometimes be difficult to find) or to wait until you reach max level and start pugging into raid groups as often as possible.

If a guild you join has a Discord server, join it and get to know people on there too.

no because WoW has become full of anti social jerks
so now the game is more like a massive single player game
I suggest you to focus on the game
and have fun with it
because if you’re using WoW to make new friends
you’re going to dealing with a lot morons
so overall no WoW is not a good method for that

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Man that’s upsetting to hear. Most MMO’s I have played normally have some amounts of socialization and I have made friends with many of them. However no one I’ve known plays WoW due to the subscription, was just hoping to find people that would enjoy the massive world.

Looks like I’m grinding to 120 with no one.


I found talking to people to be ideal.

Keep an eye on general and trade chat and maybe find a guild advertisement?

In major cities or hubs type “/who” in the chat window and get list of players in your zone - you can look for people in your level range and see if anyone is game to group up.

Looks like your already in a guild, but if its not social enough for you use the “guild finder” tool and look for the largest guilds on your realm - some of them may be good for getting to know people.

Post what you are looking for on your realm forum and see if you get any responses.

Use Discord to find likeminded player communities…

here’s a link to a wowhead list of all the wow based communities they track…

Hi, I would love to come and help you with things. But I only have Horde toons.
Some of us are nice and will take time to chat. Cheers Anita#11888.

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I’d ignore Ada. There are plenty of players who enjoy this game as a social experience. Not as many as I’d like but there are lots if you know where to look

Hey my blizzard username is ZackThaBoss#1862 feel free to add me and i will level with you :slight_smile:

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