New Player Concerns

And something that just came up a few minutes ago -

It would be nice if Guides had a way to indicate what languages they speak. I had a newcomer whisper me from Newcomer Chat to ask a question - but they were speaking Portuguese. I don’t speak Portuguese. I did however, ask in Newcomer Chat if any guides could speak it, and one luckily did, and I asked if they could answer the question they asked. (I google translated and understood what they asked, but didn’t want to google translate a reply back)

I’m not entirely sure how to do this, maybe let bilingual/trilingual/etc. attach some sort of indicator to their names that only appear in Newcomer Chat? Or only appear to the Newcomer if said Newcomer is running WoW in that language?

I’ve seen French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, etc. There’s so many different languages in NA and SA that some sort of way to signal would be nice.

(I only speak English, so this isn’t me trying to get a special name or something, there wouldn’t be an indicator for people who only speak English)


I agree that the language barrier is a bit of an issue. That’s why my first post in this thread mentioned the idea of separating the newcomer channel by region — but I’ll be the first to admit that this is not an ideal solution.

But at the very least, something needs to be done about the language barrier. It makes me feel SO bad when there’s only English-speaking guides in the chat, unable to help out the South American players…

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I think this is the better way. I am playing for so many years now but when i start a new alt I often chose the race and then notice it can’t be a certain class.

I’d like that. I never understood why they give pve mythic mounts with 1 % chance to everyone that is lucky enough after a season or still with 100% as long as its the same expansion (Jaina for example) but gladiator mounts are always removed after the season.

This would be a solution for long queues too and definitely nice to try stuff out also for players that are not new to the game.

I also like your idea of guiding new people trough dungeons. I think a lot of new players make bad experiences with rude players, that dont have patience for newbie mistakes anymore. And this is sure a reason to quit if you get perma kicked out of grps for pulling trash or other unimportant stuff. I also think there is a lot of misabuse in the vote to kick system especially when there is a group of people belonging together. Maybe the vote to kick should only work on afk players or something like this. For me this is the only understandable reason to kick people in lfg groups.


Just to note, with the addition of cross-faction play in 9.2.5, I’d probably suggest Race before Faction.

People should play the race they want to identify with. But if they would more identify with a Worgen for instance, but choose Horde, they likely wouldn’t even know Worgen exist.

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Thanks for the feedback!


I can only speak on behalf of the new players I’ve played with, know personally, and have talked to. Primarily this is about the 1-50 experience. Only one wanted to play Shadowlands afterward and soon lost interest.

All races/classes for new players should start on Exile Island. You shouldn’t be able to skip the tutorial the game has by picking the ‘wrong’ choice.

Something that needs to be done is removing the BFA pathfinder. They find it very disappointing being told they can fly only to find out that they actually can’t because you don’t have something you can’t get access to while leveling.

I think I know why you left in BFA pathfinder in, you don’t want to rip flying away from new players whenever they enter Shadowlands. It would reasonably be a bad feeling moment for newer players. However, I think you should remove it from Shadowlands too. At the very least when the last major content patch comes out it needs to be removed on a per expansion basis I feel. It provides nothing but a negative experience for the game and each new player I know personally complained about flying.

Also, remove the unlocks for allied races. This is going to be two expansions of old content come 10.0’s release or in the case of the Legion Allied Races, already two expansions old. It is not inviting to newer players, seeing a bunch of grayed-out races they might want to be, only to be told they have to do other stuff first. Character creation is the first thing they see and a very important part of getting new players to join your game.

Here are a few things new players find confusing.

The story. You are plunged into the Battle For Azeroth Experience after the tutorial Island zone and you are swamped by a lot of characters and things you simply just don’t know about. Things just tend to happen to you for no real reason. You start off BFA With being arrested as an Alliance player.

As someone who knows the story, I know why Jaina is arrested and by extension why I am arrested but a new player can’t be expected to know that. Not only that but you don’t even need to finish all the zones to hit 50, so you’re left with even more questions as you just get shuffled off into the Shadowlands content. The BFA experience may as well be pointless to the actual handling of your character and your knowledge of the world.

It’s clunky, it’s offputting. It doesn’t let the player get invested in the world in any way. And if they want to get into the story, the game really doesn’t handle that super well.

The talents and class system aren’t explained to you very well. You are pretty much just left to experiment with them and there is no real indication of what you are doing is the right way to play. You click buttons and things die or they don’t die and you aren’t sure why.

I know of a few early roadblocks, Quite a few players I run into in the new player chat have issues with the siren in the Flynn Fairwind questline. (Not sure if you fixed that yet or not). Group quests and named NPC quests should all be made easier when the content is no longer populated by the majority of players. Across the board, for all expansions, we need things fixed like this.

I definitely agree with adding some more robust tutorials to teach players how to play their class better on some level.

And yes, please let us be in the Newcomer chat on an account-wide basis with us being able to be in it on non higher level alts.


New players will be forced into Exile’s Reach, I can confirm that I was not able to pick Gnomeregan as my starting area when I made this character on US servers, where I had no other characters.

You are able to pick classes like Death Knight or Demon Hunter which skip it and have their own starting zones. I would prefer all Death Knights and Demon Hunters on new accounts to start in Exile’s Reach.


This is actually one of the biggest topics brought up in Newcomer Chat. I do agree, if they’re going to force the Newcomers into BFA content, pathfinder for that area needs to go. If they had forced them into another expansion, it’d be fine staying until the next xpac, but if you’re putting Newcomers in a zone by force, but then don’t let them fly there when they unlock flying in the capital city, that’s just cruel.

I do disagree with this though. Remove it in 10.0, not while Shadowlands is active. There’s no reason for Pathfinder for old expansions to exist, but it works for current. And for those who didn’t do pathfinder for an expansion? They will be able to fly in the pre-patch.

I won’t lie - I was very against this for the longest time, because there are indeed stories behind them. However, with the introduction of Exile’s Reach which removes the context of any race a newcomer plays, that doesn’t really fit anymore.

However, my mind goes back to Pandaren in Mists of Pandaria - even without buying MoP, people were allowed to make Pandaren. The reason?

Here’s a few articles backing this up, in case someone thinks my memory is just foggy:

So… what if they best associate with an Allied Race? Why shouldn’t they be allowed to make it? Then leave the Allied Race quests available if they wish to explore why they joined later.

Because if they go to Exile’s Reach as a Dwarf - they have zero story about Dwarves. So what harm comes if they go to it as a Void Elf? They’ll know equally as little about Void Elves.

I would just make it so Allied Races go to Exile’s Reach until you do the corresponding Allied Race recruitment quest - at which point you can choose to skip to level 10.