New Player Concerns-GD Feedback

Honestly I think given where WoW is RN; It wouldn’t hurt to introduce M+ mechanics at an earlier level. It wouldn’t hurt to give a whole tutorial about interrupts, and Blizzard needs to add an in-game feature letting me know who’s on CD and who’s not. I know there’s an add-on but that’s laziness on the devs part.

Oh this big feature of end-game progression–yaaa we’re not gonna explain that and require you to go outside our game to get something that’s so integral to our development. It’s laziness.


If we’re bringing up more suggestions now, I think Blizzard should have a macro tutorial/guide/list of commands in the game. It doesn’t teach you how to make macros at all iirc.

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Microsoft CEO Phil Spencer wants more WoW players than ever.

New player concerns should be on Blizzard’s mind going forward.

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I just saw the other thread about that, it’s really interesting because Blizzard really need to change a lot for that to happend, just the perception of the current playerbase, because a big portion of the players feel frustation around something specific: endgame, rng drops, cosmetics, professions, gold cost…etc and all that information is received by new possible players as negative, content creators play an important role and Blizzard ignore them a lot. Also Community Council needs more players and a step forward…

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I mean … He is? Because Glad mounts are still rewarded for Gladiator, lol. If anything he’s advocating for the current reality of that subject to stay put. lol

I haven’t got Glad mounts myself, but I agree in the sense taking away from PVPers is a bad idea given they’ve been given the shaft quite a lot lately.

It make zero sense to whine about something you don’t control! And we have no control on how things are awarded in this digital reality. All mounts are cosmetic so it makes it even worse to whine about who else get it.

they will eventually I am betting but not in the middle of an expansion

I’m still unclear as to why free trial accounts aren’t able to level up to 50 and experience all expansions up to and including bfa.

I would like to add a few things here to consider in case CC members come in. Perfect thread to put this in.

  1. Newcomer chat is incredibly helpful and an amazing tool for newcomers. However, the line between when someone stops being a newcomer and starts becoming an average player are very blurred. Currently at level 50 players get kicked from the newcomer chat. Given how swift the leveling experience is, the newcomer experience goes beyond the 1-50 stage. Many newcomers struggle playing through Shadowlands content, understanding nuances of end game (how to get into mythic groups, raids, etc.), understanding how to maximize power. It’s a resource that lets alike players connect, group up, and get information quicker than frustratingly looking up stuff. It is currently not very busy and it could host players for longer.

  2. Please re-consider funneling new players to new player servers. Recommend medium or high servers instead. Low and inexperienced servers struggle from economic depression, activity depression, and lack of guilds. It is very frustrating for newcomers to reach max just to find out if they want guild opportunities or better AH market they must pay to transfer or start over from scratch on a better server. The server mergers are too slow, occurring between years at a time.


Agreed, I think there should be an added, or additional stream of newcomer chat which is available for endgame. Especially when it is as complicated as it is now. When you hit level 60 you have a grocery list of items to do:

  • Renown
  • Torghast
  • Craft a Legendary
  • Collect Shards of Domination
  • Collect Domination Socketable Gear from the raid
  • Collect stygian embers to level up the shards

Now you’re ready to start playing endgame, higher difficulty raid, more M+, etc.
It’s complicated for people who have been playing the game for 15 years. Let alone a new player.


If he talks the talk and walks the walk–a lot, and I mean a lot of changes are headed this way.

If he’s serious about increasing the sub count, and not just via mobile, or console, there’s gonna be a reckoning of design philosophy that’s gonna be taken out to the woodshed.

Time to end Brad McQuaid’s formula, and bask in the modern light of modern gaming.

I was really tempted to get side tracked from reading the post in this thread. My ideas for new players are about community tools.

Guilds - For new players being with a guild may with the feelings of being lost or alone in the world. So something like new player guilds would help. The point of these guilds would be to help act as an in game resource. The people in these guilds would have the expectation to be helpful to players. Blizzard would have to help with this because people would need to apply in order to create a new player guild. If a guild receives too many complaints they could have that status removed. Also a revamp on how people list and search for guilds.

LFG/LFR - The ability to list these as learning runs or choose that as an option when you queue up. Having something listed a learning run would not make it easier but would just let other players know this will be a slower run. Something that people who are learning how to tank, heal, or even a different dps class would use. Even people that just like slow runs could use it. They would be low pressure runs where “hopefully” mistakes would be treated more kindly by the community. People that want quick and nasty runs, it is not for them. Yes, I am aware that people can create their own runs but not everyone is comfortable with doing so.

A more welcoming community experience would go a long way for new players. Whether that community is causal, raid, pvp, mythic+ or rp based.

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I don’t think you know how to look at this game from the perspective of a new player. Exile’s Reach is a decent tutorial zone (albeit lacking in some critical areas, such as crafting professions), but funneling all new players into BfA is just a pants-on-head dumb idea. The story makes no sense, the gameplay makes no sense, the world makes no sense.

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the game play and world is just fine - I played through it as a new player in alpha/beta.

the story was always crappy - that type of player is just better off finding another game.

Why cant the new players have to level from 1. Experience the game and learn how to play it. Its ok that blizz made the early content easy but they need to keep the raids and dungeons away from high level players helping the lowbies just get by. The low level players are being robbed of the experience and knowledge that comes with dungeons and raids. Blizz messed up in my opinion by allowing all these boost to high levels. Its ok if you have a main and need an alt boosted but brand new players should start from scratch