New patch July 11th

Frost mage taking off their nerdy glasses and instantly becoming the hottest girl in the movie.


Rise of the holy pallys!

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I was a DK main in Cata - Does it make me FOTM scum if I play it again?

“Oh, I can’t wait to be expected to heal through all of this!” - said no Healer ever.

Cancels subscription

I want to enjoy my summer, tyvm. BBQs and sun tans. F this game. :sunglasses:

I absolutely hate this kind of Rock, Paper, Scissors design.

Ranged Hunter damaged should be shifted out of Physical and into Magic/Bleed, so they’re better against Plate and worse against Cloth. They should probably get a defensive talent that helps against melee, like revamping Aspect of the Monkey so it’s a short cd/duration Evasion.

10.1 Mage mobility/roots need to be nerfed so Melee can actually see them as a viable kill target. Keep things like Displacement heal so they get a buff into Hunter/Ele.

Also, somewhere in there, Fury gets Bladestorm.

At long last, balance will be restored to Azeroth.

They are already

wut u meen?

Melee can shred mages

he plays casters dude’s trolling.

Hope UHDK got nerfs.

hope you find a new barber

Take that tiara off

PX cuts are 10/10 tyfys

wizard players be like killing with no cc on them here haha zug zug melee

sure if mages didnt have 20000 gap makers

im ready for the “jUsT kIcK rAy”

Just meld it

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can’t wait to relearn a new meta and lose all desire to play during the season for the 3rd or 4th time this expansion

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If frost is that busted, I probably won’t be playing. Already stopped playing like day 2 of 10.1. Got tired of caster cleave, just super boring to play against even though it’s easier than melee cleaves.

This type of rhetoric is -exactly- the same as the ret derps defending the state of their class right after 10.07. Almost word for word. If this is like the retpocalypse I’m unsubbing that week. Screw this. No ability should tick for over a mil in 5 seconds. You’re delusional.