I’m just picturing them seeing The Light as Fractals
I mean if they’re using order magic to utilise it as suggested in the thread — They may as well
I personally like the idea of having the Orcs Becoming Champions of Lo’gash and basically make them Paladins of Lo’gash like the Zandalari are Prelates of Rezan.
Priests of Elune that got formal martial training from Warriors, mirroring the Humans becoming Paladins in the Second War.
Using their connection to the August Celestials (Wild Gods), much like the Zandalari.
Same as Pandaren and Zandalari.
The Mag’har learned to be Priests from the Shadowmoon clan on Alternate Draenor and subsequently the Draenei, which I believe is also the reasoning for Orc Priests. Follow the same pattern as Night Elves and Humans.
There’s a huge misconception that Void Elves wielding the Light causes catastrophes akin to what happened to Alleria and the Sunwell, but that was because Alleria absorbed a Void Naaru whereas playable Void Elves have not. Also, Discipline and Holy Void Elf Priests have existed as long as the race has.
See Orcs above.
Either tie into Goldrinn and/or other Wild Gods.
Theme them around the Arcane and the Nightwell, I suppose.
It’d be cool with a handful of ideas I presented in the thread creation, for each selective class-race combo to get a handful of unique spell-visuals to go with them.
Honestly I’d love if they could find away to bring back Zelling from BFA for the Forsaken, then have Kul’Tirans + Forsaken priests to have tidesage water visuals option for their spells
- As for Kul’Tiran paladins, as you mentioned earlier – Having fire visuals would be radical Would also set them apart from their priest-order too, which would be a welcome change for once.
Additionally particular races getting various spell-visuals for different classes would also bring within WoW some flavour of the race-fantasy in correlation with class-fantasy back to life.
Technology can be a helluva addiction. Lore wise, Gnomes have been able to mimic other classes by sheer blueprinting, planning and trial and error. Coupled in with Mechagnomes unwavering tenacity of how far they can delve into inventions and body modifications would be a very feasible direction.
And I joke about Goblins being pretty much televangelists when they are Holy or Disc and that their paladins are only viable due to their absolute love of gold would be equal to the old rumors from the 1980s Megachurches who used to send out loan sharks to their followers if they didn’t “donate” or “donate enough.”
IIRC in Azshara, the parachuting Goblin Priests make similar comments. Will send a bill, and if late, will send a collection plate. So, not farfetched for them to use the power of light, and abuse it to a degree that is plausible and equally a reflection of what has or may have happened in the real world.
I’ve posted the details to how to a few races being questioned, why are people stumped on reasons when I’ve literally provided them … Even so much as stating “Well there’s actually this” and me having to quote myself to show I’ve already mentioned such, lol
I too had the same thought for Pandaren where it would make sense for their Paladin lore to stem from their worship of the August Celestials. It just makes sense for them because it comes from the same thought process as the trolls worshipping their loa. I think as a side note this could also be the same way they get Druids as a playable class. Their Paladin charger and Druid forms could be themed after the different celestials.
By the light of the moon!
Oh my god I love this. I need to see Lantressor in paladin gear and his blademaster sword.
We don’t really need old lore to justify new classes for the races. They can be new Orders from a few individuals that show promise and just starting their history. The races have intermingled long enough for individuals to explore new ways of doing things.
This is all too complicated.
The answer is “Tyr did it”. Tyr is already hanging out with Paladins we can’t make, and he’s likely looking for more.
Bonus points for Tyr + Arathi (from The War Within) did it, because they’re all about the Light too.
Blizzard is writing very easy ways to expand these classes to everyone, forever.
No need, tyrs guard for all baby.
As for ‘Tyrs Guard’ — My response to that is: “Porque no los dos?”
♪ Dadadadadaaaa ♫• * ̈* •. ̧ ̧ ♪
That’d be grand
Pandaren could use a bit more love, especially in the story
Same with trolls
I mean sure we don’t “Need” new lore — But it certainly helps fleshen out the game & the races we have. Bringing more good stories to the game helps push the boundaries of future threats, allies and conflicts for us to face together too.
It’s a fantasy roleplaying game afterall, bringing more glorious & diverse tropes helps embrace that – and liven the community with such.
- I for one, would LOVE more lore brought towards the other races so we can have potential for their stories than merely the standard humans and arcane affiliated or nature affiliated elves hogging up everything … and these stories help give some opportunity for those other races to shine
- The customisation potential too from such stories, is something that’d be rather cool too.