New Paladin Races Megathread

good work ! :clap:

Hopefully paladin will be the next class available to everyone.:crossed_fingers:


Elune ain’t watching over anyone. That dozy idiot can’t do anything right.


This is false. An’she is a god of Light.

So does a Sunwalker.

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All I want is shadow glyphs and shadow theme paladins for Void Elves and Forsaken.

It is cool.


The Silver Hand was the second war, they were formed because priests were deemed “ill-suited for the dangers of combat.” The wall was built due to disagreements with the fallout AFTER that war was won and before the third war. Lore, you’re moving in the right direction but you’re still failing to live up to your name.

Here is a refresher for you since you seem to need it. :wolf:

“Void” elf paladins could work if they got their own starter zone like DKs and DHs. Technically a DK isn’t a human or tauren, they’re Scourge and technically DHs aren’t blood elves or night elves, they Illidari. Both became something more.

Give “void” elf paladins their own starter zone and make it about leaving Silvermoon. We never got any good lore for that anyways. They could be a group that left with the other elves because that’s their family but they never turned to the void. Instead of void highlights for their hair, give 'em Light highlights. Instead of purple and blue skin, give them something with a gold tint. The whole theme could be the player representation of Alleria and Whatshisface relationship. Just because family use opposite-side-of-the-chart magic doesn’t mean they can’t still be together.

Imo that would be the only way a “void” elf Paladin would work. It would also be a good way to explain how a velf Priest can use the Light. Maybe even give velf priests something special. When they change their spec to Holy, their skin and hair highlights (if they’re using them) turn Light. If they’re using the plain belf skin, hair and eye options then nothing happens when they switch specs.

Edit: However, before they go down the road of orc and velf paladins, they should just do the obvious races first.

Kul Tiran are just human.
Nelves have every thing they need.
Gnomes have been with humans and dwarves long enough to learn.
HMT worship An’she just like tauren.
Trolls believe in loas too and the rumor is Volj’in will be the new King of Loas. Just make him that at the same time you allow troll paladins.

ye u havent talked to antis end blood elf zealots aperently

And we don’t need to talk to any of them.
Their protesting has done nothing in regards to Void Elves. We got Darkfallen and High Elves as subraces. This is pretty much just the next big thing, and if Forsaken wind up getting it, it makes absolutely no sense to keep it from Void Elves at that point because of any sort of lore reason.


I don’t think void elf paladins need a starting zone created specifically for them. We just need new NPCs in Telogrus rift or Stormwind (Blizzard added new rogue/mage/priest NPCs in patch 10.0.5), these NPCs would be new high elf/blood elf paladin recruits who have joined the void elves.


Starters zones are content and we always could use more content.

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The only races I have any serious issue with being Paladins are Orcs (due to the Fel taint) Forsaken (they are weak to Holy magic, how would they be infused with it?), and Void Elves (they are infused with the void, which doesn’t mix well with the Light) anything else gets the green light for Paladin in my book.

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Troll paladins could lean into this concept from Hearthstone, which would gel with some of their real-world inspirations of Mayan jaguar warriors who revered the animal as holy.


I’d be 100% happy if we could have night elf paladins.

I wouldn’t mind some orc paladins too.

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That’s literally what Zandalari Paladins are.

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Race restrictions are outmoded nonsense…as if a member of a particular race couldn’t cast off tradition and pursue a path on their own, even it be a dark path.

“Whom the Light calls, it calls” should be the only lore explanation needed for any race being paladins.

“But…the undead!” Yeah. Undead paladins are those who served the Light in life, and now in undeath continue to serve despite enduring great pain to do so. Lore done, there you go.

Just end this nonsense already. If the whole argument against is “but gnome paladins would look goofy”, why do you even care? We have TAURENS who can be rogues. I mean, come on.


We’ve had tauren rogue NPCs since 2004. This isn’t the “gotcha” everyone thinks it is.

Anyways, yeah I think every race could be a paladin except void elves. Their entire backstory is rejecting the Light and delving into the void. I’m not sure how Blizzard will manage it or if they even will.

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For any people who have both Warriors and Priests, there is a credible way to introduce the class that straddles the line between them.

The fluff will differ, but game-mechanic-wise, they’ll be Paladins.

I’m not going to waste my energy getting wound up about that. At least, so long as y’all pay your union dues.

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It’s controversial because there’s a lore basis on it.

Now, there is a window of opportunity that’s opened up with Calia (spelling is wrong I think) because there’s new lore that opened up making it a possibility.

And no, Paladins aren’t just warriors taking up a priesthood. Paladins are literally infused with the light. Priests use the Light as a channeling tool.

There is a difference between the two.

Old lore says that a Forsaken would have to have the willpower to withstand it, otherwise they exploded (so a Forsaken paladin would be a pretty rare find).

And before you mention Nax: he was being forced to use those powers and was in constant pain from having to utilize those powers.

I’m fine with it as long as Blizzard LORE supports it.

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bUt MaI hI eLf PaLaDuN!!!


I’ve been paying my union dues since 2008. I ain’t no scab.