New Overwatch lore [Spoilers]

I think he was referring to people dumping on Overwatch as a game, saying it’s crap and terrible, poorly designed, etc. The hate he was referring to wasn’t in regards to the sexuality or gender identity of characters.

*in this thread

friendship ended with overwatch now R6S is my new friend but i get scared playing it because of this one lady with a silenced weapon and skull face paint

Well since they quoted him and it was a reply directly to a post of mine saying I thought the game play was fun, I’d think it was safe to say he was referring to people in this thread dumping on the game play and game design. I’m referencing a specific quote, not other people on some other post or other website or wherever else. I’m sure there are vocal folks out in the internet who hate the game/characters for bigoted reasons but that’s not at all related to the exchange between he and I.

Wish they’d release lore much faster. I’d even pick up a book if it meant just reading all the lore right away. I loved the game when it first came out, and up until recently played it daily.

I still pick it up every other day and kill a few hours on it. Don’t feel one way or another about them saying a character is LGBT. I will admit tho, it does make me happy a bit knowing someone I used to be friends with(No longer, thank god) is probably throwing a tantrum because his main is a gay and he’ll probably swear off the character now due to his backwards thinking.


Slips Nyalmi some Mummies Alive episodes in a brown paper bag

You didn’t get these from me, and we’ve never met.

That’s neat and all but the question on my mind is if Blizzard will acknowledge 76’s sexuality in the actual game.


And that’s a much better question.

It’s good to acknowledge this in the extraneous lore, don’t get me wrong, but it suffers the same issue that putting plot points from WoW in novellas: it doesn’t feel as real as if it were in the game.

Given that OW has the depth of a kiddie pool, though, that’s a tall order, so I’m willing to give it time. But I do think it’s important to keep pushing for that representation to make it in-game.


i’m glad for the new lore and representation it brings! i even saw the new Ana model, although i don’t play…

pls don’t take my skin :sob:

Idk how you could do that. Outside of maybe adding in some contextless prematch voice lines. (Which I would love and approve of along with tracer mentioning Emily or something)

Part of me is kinda spoiled about how open it is even if it’s not in-game. It’s a far cry from wildstars Twitter reveals that contradict in-game stuff, or wows simple lack of any representation.

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I wish Blizzard would just up and make an Overwatch series for television.

They’ve got the chops.

They’ve got the tech.

They’ve got the know-how to put something absolutely gorgeous on our screens.

Get on with it and stop dancing around this bush.


That’s exactly how they could do it, that and putting the Jack and Vincent photo into the game as a spray.

Betting they’ll do both for the anniversary event.

People being upset about this amuses me. It’s the way the world’s going. Also, it’s just a game. If the biggest concern in your life is the gender-preference of Soldier 76 or Tracer, then I envy your life.

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God, I don’t. Can you imagine being that pitiful?

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hahhh i don’t have to imagine anything about being pathetic


I’d like having something absolutely unimportant and irrelevant to be the biggest concern in my life for a change, to be honest. Instead I have normal adult things, like a job, bills, saving money, whether or not I’m going to be able to afford medical bills or to be able to replace my truck if it poops out on me…

Also I already am pretty pathetic, so. No imagination needed :stuck_out_tongue:

I honestly could not care less about Overwatch as a game (I would if there was a single player campaign because I love the characters)

That said I’m having way too much fun reading the Overwatch forums atm. Theres a 1000+ post thread started by someone who claims his dad cant play Soldier 76 anymore


“Oh no! My badass FPS old guy main is gay! HE’S DEAD TO ME”


Omegalul, as the kids would say


Yeah I’m at the very least enjoying the salt mine.