New Novella - Heartlands

I think the story mentioned she was 40.


So did I miss something or did the writer just forget that Jaina can teleport? In the very first scene she goes from speaking with Danath to teleporting to Stromgarde, but then sheā€™s writing a letter to summon Danath back and hoping he makes it in time.

Perhaps itā€™s a repeat of Lyandra Sunstrider? Like Lyandra was a distant a relative of Anasterian and Kaelā€™thas who didnā€™t have a claim to the throne. If thatā€™s the case than Danath calling her niece could be more of an honorary thing.

Though if they are directly related and with how she seemed bitter about the Alliance, it could no one in the Alliance was either willing or able to help her with her claim after Galen was killed with all the conflict that keeps happening.

We do know that when word of Danathā€™s survival reached Azeroth, there were those in Arathi who awaited his return, which would have hampered her own claim.

She was poisoned and while she recovered faster than expected, she was likely feeling lingering effects and didnā€™t feel up to the task of teleporting to him and then teleporting back.

This happened before she was poisoned. Why would someone who can instantly teleport across the world send a courier with a letter?

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Personally I doubt Blizzard thought much about it in the same way someone like Thura suddenly pops up and claims to be Broxā€™s niece.

We will always have some niece or nephew or son popping up at the most convinient time for Blizzard.

My bad, I got things mixed up.

Iā€™m guessing itā€™s because of politics. She had already arrived to Stormgarde and then leaving to get Danath, while the regent is present would create the impression that Jaina questions either hers, his, or even both of their judgements.

You get a niece, he gets a niece, she gets a niece!


I mean its not like everyone has a canon family tree or anything, canā€™t be much of an asspull when no expectation was set


But itā€™s instant. Itā€™s even revealed in the end of the story that Jaina suspected the entire time the courierā€™s message might fall into Marranā€™s hands. They donā€™t even try to handwave it by having some inner monologue saying she canā€™t teleport because X Y Z.

ā€¦So why didnā€™t she just go back to her room, teleport to get Danath, then come back? They have her teleporting multiple times throughout the story ( even after sheā€™s poisoned ) and in the end they reveal the secret way she got the message to Danath wasā€¦ a raven?

Like they just gave her this power that would immediately solve the entire plot and inexplicably donā€™t use it. Terrible writing honestly.


She is very explicitly fascist-coded

Now I do think there definitely is some validity to her resentment towards the Alliance for constantly asking its member nations for resources and soldiers in order to fund its grand oversea campaigns against Greater Evils, essentially turning a deaf ear to these member nationsā€™ individual needs in their local struggles. That criticism was kinda dismissed in the end when the factions once again do exactly that by all setting sail for Khaz Algar lol, which I find regrettable

But otherwise yes Marran is explicitly fascist-coded in her writing and so she is a villain


The Forsaken and their extremely cool looking Arathi Defilers have been absent from the Highlands storyline since BFA. Even though as of Legion Stromgarde was populated with a neutral undead nation of Stromic whoā€™ve presumably all now died or been absorbed into the Forsaken.

Ironically enough Defilers pop up defending Goā€™Shek Farm in the Alliance controlled version of Arathi. I remember because I used to dress my Hunter up as one and ambushed players doing quests there.

Wouldā€™ve been neat if instead of Etrigg or whomever we got a cameo from the Black Bride being decidedly unhelpful by suggesting they


I have no idea.

I mean sheā€™s saying she has to reclaim her Hyperborean mythic past and has her people terrified that these immigrants are all starving marauders that are going to take what they have by force.

Itā€™s less coded and more shouted.


Itā€™s as if you wrote a story where Superman has to cross a rickety bridge, and heā€™s terrified because the bridge is unstable, and he even flies to the start of the bridge before crossing it, and in the middle of trying to cross the bridge gives out but itā€™s revealed that Superman had a jetpack the entire time so heā€™s safe. Itā€™s actually perplexing.

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When will people stop using [insert]-coded and just outright state what they think.


Sure sure I only said ā€œ-codedā€ to convey the idea that this is the RL parallel sheā€™s clearly meant to evoke


Tf is that supposed to mean lol


As someone that hates Jaina and her constant involvement in the story, this was a chore to get through.

At least Geyaā€™rah received some character development. This almost feels like an attempt at making amends for the fact that Horde representation in The War Withinā€™s main story was shallow at best.


With the Magā€™har now based in Hammerfall, I canā€™t help but wonder at the relations between the them and the Boulderfist Ogres and Witherbark Forest Trolls in the region.

I know their not mentioned but the AU Stonemaul did enter Azeroth with the Magā€™har. Could we see Ogre diplomacy between them and the Boulderfist or just see the AU Stonemaul decide to take over over their territory.? Would the Witherbark still hate on the Horde or be open to speaking with the Magā€™har and their more ā€œIn your faceā€ policy?


I think itā€™d be neat if Stromgarde gets usurped and sides with an evil Arathi Empire.

And you get Forsaken, Magā€™Har, Wildhammer and Worgen just walloping the crap outā€™ve it.

Seriously the Reclamation of Gilneas questlines has a lot of legitimate complaints but I happened to do mine on this toon in Shadow Spec teamed up with a Worgen Warrior. You had a werewolf ripping people apart as a wraith zoomed around shooting brain lasers and ghosts at everyone. Rob Zombieā€™s Dragula plays over my memory of it.

Take that then tag team it with the most rowdy orcs teaming up with the most rowdy dwarves and youā€™ll have one Hell of a battle.


The Arathi empire showing up and providing animus for aspects of the alliance to trigger a new faction war would actually be an interesting path to take and would make far more sense than BFAā€™s war did. Though, I still prefer it if it ended up being smaller scale conflicts rather than an all out war.