New Nerfs for Ele

Lava Burst getting nerfed by ~6%, EQ damage getting nerfed by ~2% when using leggo but large buff (~71%) to EQ base damage when not using leggo, and ~17% buff to earth shock which is maybe 10% of our dam while lava burst is 40%+. How is this not a nerf? The EQ buff to base damage helps on sire just trying to think of fights off the top of my head and maybe Inerva if you want to run WSLR.

Just looking at top 3 logs on Hungering for a ST check with the changes the players would lose 2% - 0% - 2% of their damage respectively. The Changes are redistributing strength when playing Icefury, the 0% in above data, but is a clear nerf when playing Primal. And before you tell me 2% means nothing then why is Blizz throwing around 2-4% buffs to help out classes?

Maybe the bright side of this is that our target swapping burst is slightly better, but idk why Blizz is focused on fine tuning things that don’t need to be changed when there are larger fundamental problems with the class.


Are you actually reading the patch notes I linked?

These are clear nerfs to a spec that was mid-tier at best.


The Rshaman lava burst nerf is a big deal. Second nerf in a row for Rshaman with no compensation but the god class Disc priest is fine? I won’t be playing Resto next patch that’s for sure. If the storm witch legendary makes Enhance Ele blast builds viable I will play that otherwise Shamans not worth it.

HUGE buff to AOE. Not really a nerf to single target when you change a couple talents around.

PVP… i dont think itll mean much. 6% nerf to lava burst stinks but that buff to ES is astounding.


And HPal. Stupid (healer) DPS and heals to match.

I mean, we got thru almost a whole tier without sucking so I guess we should be happy. I’m def watching Priest for 9.1 though.

Ummm… what? The spec is far from “mid-tier at best”

Obviously, the nerf to LvB and buff to ES is an attempt to shift our damage profile, and I’m all about that. ES just doesn’t have that much satisfaction when you press it. It’s nice, but it doesn’t feel like this big fat spender.

Another big thing that I see though: I see this as a huge future/preventative maintenance attempt. Lava burst will still hit very hard. As we get more gear, that number will only rise, and they don’t want it to get out of hand.

On more of a “guesswork” note, I know that the sundering leggo is great for AoE (save for the real life/human error of mobs not being in the thing after placing), and that it buffs EQ enough that you include EQ in your single tar rotation when rocking the lego. Perhaps this is a a bit of a way to keep the lego strong for AoE, but remove EQ from the ST rotation? Again, this is 100% a guess here.

No one mentioning that Lightning Shield buff though. For my toon that’ll put LS’s dmg at around 400~ a hit on melee targets which is about half the dmg of an unbuffed windfury.

Not bad not amazing, but hey it means rogues/monks/DHs/FDKs will be piling up the dmg to themselves over a match.

The Lava Lash buff is nice would have preferred it to be a bit stronger though.

Chin Lightning being buffed and Stormkeeper for enh now buffing the dmg of chain lightning by 300% will have to be tested it if could have any use.

Oh missed that Legacy of the Frost Witch got buffed to 30% from 15% inc dmg. Still say its more of a “support” leggo for Doomwinds/Wolf Bones if we get the ability to have 2 legendaries.

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Please don’t comment with incorrect statements like this unless you’re going to provide some proof/reasoning.

It will to some extent, it’ll kinda screw over the stormkeeper/primordial/echoing shock combo. Nerf to the LB damage plus about a 20% nerf to stormkeeper damage when you math out the CL vs lightning bolt difference.

Anyone on PTR — do they give access to every legendary for testing?

There is a bunch of ridiculous stuff that I’d be interested in trying out. (skybreaker’s demise as Enhance with lashing flames to see how hard you can crit flame shock, etc. etc.)

lightnign bolt is getting nerfed?

Stormkeepers is.
Its forcing you to cast chain lightning and increasing the damage buff from 150% to 300%. It’s a net single target drop of 20% per cast of lightning bolt.

For Enhancement.

Oof, im blind. nvm

Sigh…I’ll test it tonight and post exact numbers.


LC +35% dmg
EQ +70% dmg

The aoe buff is massive.

The single targer dmg balance change will hurt primal elementalist but could be slightly better for Icefury.

Stormkeeper is being made to affect Chain Lightning only for Enhancement not Elemental.

Hmm now you made me curious to try out Elemental Equilibrium as Enhancement with dogs to see how high I can cheese Elemental Blast dmg.

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why would they delete stormkeeper for ele. its the only talent worth picking for pvp. and i know thats why they nerfed it but come on why didnt they just nerf it for pvp. and lets be real when gear increases and health goes up then lightingbolt with stormkeeper will nerf itself