There are times when people are just complaining for the sake of complaining, but this isn’t one of them. I think it’s a legitimate thing to bring up, it’s silly that all of the mounts we get in new content can only be used in old content (excluding instances), sure you can argue that we can go along the ground if we want to, but that’s just nonsense.
Collectors just got their 500 collecting achievement + reward and can barely use their new mount because it’s all forced dragons. In my opinion, anyone that unlocks the full dragonriding tree should get old flying back as well, there’s absolutely no reason why they can’t coexist.
Talk about stupid takes, “hun”. You’re young and naive probably so you don’t see your own hypocrisy. Allow me to highlight it for you. You’re attempting to call someone out for what you think is them exclaiming something as fact that you disagree with - all while at the same time exclaiming something as fact yourself, which also happens to be just as subjective as what the other person said. You say it’s a waste of time as if that’s an irrefutable fact. Who are you to say what others may consider a waste of time or not? That’s right, you’re nobody. Waste of time to you, sure, but you don’t speak for everybody and thank god for that.
What’s even funnier is that the other person was actually correct, because they really did just state a fact: there’s nothing stopping you from using ground mounts. Then you went on in the comments to argue with people about …nothing. You’re a joke and anybody older than 16 can see it, hun.