Nuh-uh. Because the fox mount will grab you up before that happens, you’ll both fly away, and then have amazing adventures together.
I’ll have to try it on my toon in the model viewer. I get where you’re coming from immersion wise, but they are supposed to be space foxes? (Do a barrel roll haha). Maybe foxes on whatever the hell planet these things come from are just that size, if it helps you . Side note- how do you get to 38 with 0 achieves? Thats an achieve on its own haha.
I’m not going to use the in game shop.
Why no matching pet Blizz? Where is my adorable mount and pet bundle? I want a minifox pet to match. Just don’t go and reskin it later…
Looks like you’re gonna be foxless then, too bad!
The Fox and Rabies and has to be put down. Ill go get my .22 Rifle
Fiercely intelligent and insatiably curious, this species of fox has travelled the Great Dark Beyond to seek the companionship of the greatest heroes of Azeroth.
Quite literally space foxes.
Yeah, I’m definitely holding my final judgement until I see it in-game. The size is just the initial thing that irked me.
As for achievements, I have no idea why it shows me having 0, lol.
But this doesn’t have anything to do with immersion. I just like small mounts.
Soo its finally come has it. The great space goat vs space fox war is upon us.
A flying fox, and i want it.
Not that I want Vulpera as Playable but…
Wouldn’t this be like Humans riding on Human mounts?
I have the Vicious War Fox. You know, something I earned from playing the game.
I’m pretty sure if they are ever an allied race their mount will be a wagon with alpacas. Don’t know why you’d think they would ride foxes.
Oh cool, I have that one too ^^
Neat. Doesn’t change my point.
The fact that you’re so mad about this only makes me laugh harder
Well, think about the worgens, they can ride on wolf mounts so… I suppose it’s the same concept.
But, does it fly?
Do the Wolfen players ride Wolf mounts?
Sorry, Worgen Players…
Do we consider HM tauren riding moose similar too? Feel HM are more moose then cow.