New Monk LF a Home

Hello Area 52!

I am a brand new 120 looking for an adult guild that focuses on Heroic raiding and M+. Some light Mythic raiding is a bonus, but not necessary.

I am available most evening and weekends EXCEPT for Tuesdays, and anytime after 8pm CST.

I prefer to heal, but can tank if needed.
I have been playing off and on since Vanilla, and recently came back to WoW.
If I sound like I might be a good fit for your guild, add my Battle Tag and lets talk.

Thanks for reading, I look forward to hearing from you.

New guild formed with a variety of mythic raiders (this is our pet project), we will be raiding heroic once a week for our weekly clear on Saturdays @ 8:30pm-11:30pm server time.
You can view our official post here >Rebound< Looking for more! for all the details. thanks for you time!

Hi ya! Booty Patrol is looking for members to fill out its raid rolls for the upcoming raid, shoot me a message in game and we can chat :slight_smile:
