New Item to Mitigate Stygia Loss in the Maw

I mean I guess that’s a solution . . .

Certain Blizzard facemen keep using that word. I don’t think it means what they think it means.


I had two just today in Korthia. Worst part is I was waiting for a rare and after the first desync crash I came back to a new shard. It was a teleporter rare (south one) so that could be another hour or more wait for it to spawn. 45 minutes later trying to get a chest another desync DC. At this point I’m about to just walk away from WoW for the day out of frustration since another ridiculous wait was in my future when I log back in and within a minute that rare pops with the message that someone repaired the teleporter. If I hadn’t gotten lucky and put on a shard that had that rare ready to pop after the second desync…I don’t even know.

I mean really, why do they do things like this?

Why not just totally delete the Stygia loss subroutine entirely and call it a win?


“Well this has never happened to me, so I hereby invalidate anyone else having problems”

The lag in populated zones has been dreadful since legion at least, especially when events are happening in zones. If you had no issues during the corruption invasions, you’re either lying or extremely lucky.

Or if you dc after dying before reaching your corpse.


How strange.

I notice you’re posting on a Stormrage character and the other guy is from Area 52.

Maybe a mega-server issue? Dunno.

This game is so easy, who is dying in the maw?

So why do you care if other people lose it or not?
You aren’t doing that content, so why do you care if people who are get punished?

Again, lucky you. I’ve had 2 fights without, 8 with lag and bugs.
Last week it was soul cages spawning and sitting on top of the boss the entire fight.
This week the boss either doesn’t spin or keeps spinning long after the cone attack should have ended.
If two raids form up, the server starts seizing up. If a raid forms in a busy shard, server will start having issues. They just aren’t designed to handle the load.

Shards have nothing to do with home server. Happens just as often joining a raid on any random server.
Not releasing isn’t always an option for people either. Sometimes you have to for various reasons. PuG raids for world bosses aren’t known for people sticking around to res the dead.

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Someone’s feelings on the dev team would get hurt.

Can’t have that.


See y’all in FFXIV


Maybe, but sharding should take care of that. Like I said, after the first desync DC I was put on a completely different shard. I’ll admit I don’t fully understand how sharding works or how it interacts with a server but I suppose that could be an issue. In any case, whether it’s mega server related or not, it’s still happening to players. And it sucks when you die to a desync crash, something completely outside of your control, die to a mob and lose your stygia.

Because that would mean you’re spending less time playing the game!

Can’t have that now, can we?


I’m assuming that’s why Valor upgrades/KSM isn’t account wide any more lol. Gotta punch up those playtime metrics!


If we wanted to play Dark Souls we would play Dark Souls.

Make it 0% loss ever, and not have to buy an item to do so. Also, Im on a rogue who can stealth around and much safer than others. Still saying it as it is butts and a stupid decision from some higher up who thinks the metrics of running back to your body and “being logged on more” is greater than “fun”. Aaaaand some wonder why so many FF14 topics are invading crud lately around here. -sigh-

Getting tired of more and more grind.

Get off the metrics horse and try to win back people leaving in exodus who will never return if this keeps up. At a certain point your cash shop won’t have the folks to keep it a golden goose.

Be better.


Why not 100%?


While I applaud the fact that Blizzard is listening to player input on problems, I think a better deal would have been to just remove the loss altogether. It would reduce the stress of dealing with an area that has a lot of often unpredictable mobs and stop players being forced to make their way back to the same difficult location to recover what they should really not have lost in the first place.

This feels like some devs sat down and said, well lets give them something to help with that but make sure another grind of some sort is involved because we need to make sure they are boosting the whole time-played metric thing. It might work for you Blizzard, but its not terribly supportive for us.


Are you treating the symptom or the disease?

I can only speak for myself but I do not like stygia loss. I understand the experiment on blizzards part and trying something new but most of my interactions with in my guild/community/content creators… the entirety of my sphere of influence do not like stygia loss in wow.

Why are blizzard deciding this is the hill you are dying on? Rather than just removing the mechanic of stygia loss which has been asked for since alpha?

I never really paid much attention to Azmogold, thinking he was just a “neckbeard wower” but dam if I haven’t lived long enough to see the hero become the villain and vice versa.


You guys almost managed to get it right.

I see improvement! Congrats!


Then how would they have bonus logged on time added of you running to your corpse?


I don’t. I’m simply astonished (as are many others in the thread) that people are somehow having a problem with this in the first place.

I take my undergeared alts to the Maw and have zero issues. Do I have to use my head for a change? Sure. That’s what makes it fun.