New holiday update ruined it?

Ironic considering you’re hiding on an alt.


The hilarious part is that I never made it a secret and explained time and time again I swapped to my current main. But hey, it’s the usual MO from them.


Yeah you did, there was a thread you got upset about people connecting your new name to your old one and you tried to deny it.

Lmk when you actually post my name, I promise it’s not Voldemort. You can say it, and then the armory will show who is who won’t it?

sounds familiar.

who… Zuman?
generally the only time i call people trolls, is if they’re trolling.

kind of like you.


I think I’ve argued with all of these people at least once before I am definitely not their alt xd

I wasn’t starting a conversation but trying to give you advice while also poking a little fun. This isn’t good for you unless you just really like arguing with people. I mean at the end of the day no one in this thread can change the game so who cares.

I’ve done stuff like this before and I never really wake up the next day thinking “yeah arguing with randos on the internet for hours was a good thing to do”

geez people these are the forums not the war game itself relax and stop arguing over nothing

Yeah I can tell, I don’t spend a bunch of time every day in the game. I do other stuff, and I don’t appreciate actual complaints about the game trying to be shouted down because some people ‘like’ the new version. I do not, I want the option to play it the way I like. The update ruined it for ME. I am fine with those that like this way also having the ability to play the way they like. I do not enjoy people saying all sorts of things about me, making weird posts about my ‘trp’ profiles which are flat wrong, or accusing me of being some other poster.

What frustrates me is people always trying to counter your feedback, like they can make their own thread if they want about what they like of the new event. I made this thread to vent and to hope Blizz gives us an option, I want the old way to play. I want to be able to get the new items. I do not get to play every day. Before I could farm for what I wanted, I cannot now.

“Hidden reply” No, I don’t think I will

Do you have alts? Because if they go through the initial storyline (10 mins), you’ll have about 160-170 tokens on each alt. 10 mins for 160 tokens is WAY more than you’d get spending those 10 minutes farming charms the old way. Depending on the number of alts you have, you can easily get all of the new stuff in a day. And if there is one item you need more for, just do the dailies (5-10 mins) a couple times sometime over the next two whole weeks on one of those alts. Even if you can only do a few days a week, that’s more than enough. You don’t have to play every day to get the new items.

Your argument doesn’t add up when you say you don’t have time to do 10 mins of dailies a few times over the course of two weeks, but you somehow have enough time to farm those low-drop-rate charms to get what you want instead? :face_with_monocle:

I get that you don’t like the changes, (and nothing wrong with your opinion) but claiming so many people didn’t want holiday changes when there’s just so much more evidence of the contrary is a weird hill to die on.


You forgot the rest, 4 words for you.

The dude even posted a video for you. Pull your head out.

I’m very happy with the rework. I think they should add more decorations for all holidays.

I completely ignored the NPC follower and literally just flew around Stormwind and easily found the clues because they are highlighted. The quest is so much easier to complete now.

You can edit your settings to enable the Interact key. Always works wonders for the Archivist events too.


I like the new event. All of the events need updating instead of the same boring slog. I just wish we could still farm the Lovely Charms for turn-ins. :frowning:

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I haven’t run i to any of the bug with the changes in the event.

Honestly I like it alot more now.

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Havent they learn their lesson. Why is there 40 mounts hiding the NPC?

maybe blizz should release an older version of the game for people who don’t cope well with change… oh wait.


Everyone seems to be having a great time on my realm, Moonguard.

The quest did make me go into the Inn for the first time… that was…something.

it was cool having the Lunar event next door- lots of nice fireworks to add to the general mayhem :purple_heart: :milky_way: :purple_heart:.

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Yeah I know, just like OSRS the older version has more players. Sadly they already sort of shot themselves in the foot by adding tokens and other retail things, so we can’t play the old version of the game. Then again you’re stuck in the past yourself at level 34

Takes less that 2 minutes on a dragon mount.

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Timed, takes longer from SW. Off you go now.

The little dog bot led me directly to every item when I clicked on his remote.

As someone who hasn’t done any or the repetitive holidays for years, I like aspects of the revamp.

Easily disproven, goodbye