New hairstyles

There’s no reason all 3 dwarf races can’t share hairstyles and beards with each other.


More customizations would be great. New hairstyles, skin tones, horns, eyes, etc.


Giant naked mole rat? ROFL

Hot take: Vulpera, at least female vulpera, need hairstyles so they don’t look bald and dumb.

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Oooo just like we did with the telecoms that never did those broadband upgrades after they got all our money

They’ve been dripfeeding new options in since Shadow Lands. DF was particularly good to normal draenei with not only man’ari skin and hair, but a very dark and very light option that snuck in, too. Fel, void and even a yellow/gold eye color too. As well as an aqua-blue.

I wouldn’t say no to that super dark skin tone for Lightforged. We need eye options, too. Even if they’re just shades of gold.

Is there another race with 0 eye color options?


And you can tell that ponytails just follow the same animation cycles rather than actual physics lol

I definitely think they need to add the zoomer broccoli hair cut to humans, velves, belves, and gnomes.

I just wish I had the customization that Dracthyrs have in their visage form.

So many hair styles… unable to grasp… Maybe Blizzard will give up a raid tier for that lol

Night Elves, we have two… and they all glow. You can kinda unlock a third skin locked option with the undead skin.

We have the best hair. Everyone copies us. We don’t need anything else.

I would rather they work on making the existing hair styles show with hats tbh.

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Nope, only Dracthyr visages get new hairstyles. And colors. And facial features. And jewelry.

All the energy for customizations for other races went to them in order to sell them.