New Forum Tomorrow

So, I heard we're loosing our post count?

I mean... I'm not exactly proud of how many times I've posted on this forum (over thirteen thousand times, jesus) but you know I feel like it's part of my identity on this forum.

I should probably find some way to mark it.
11/14/2018 11:45 PMPosted by Ximothy
So, I heard we're loosing our post count?

I mean... I'm not exactly proud of how many times I've posted on this forum (over thirteen thousand times, jesus) but you know I feel like it's part of my identity on this forum.

I should probably find some way to mark it.
I'm torn between trying to stop at 30,999 or 31,000 myself.
RIP old forums

well...gentlemen, its been an honor playing with you *sad titanic music*
Oh we finally doing it? Welp, that's that.
Why are we all leaving? I’m pretty sure it will still have a story forum.
11/14/2018 12:50 PMPosted by Baljin
<span class="truncated">...</span>Unless you trashtalk Sylvanas.*

As a member of the discord and someone who isn’t a Sylvanas fan and actively trash talks her, you nor anyone else ever faced serious repercussions for trashtalking Sylvanas. You were simply ridiculed because the points you brought up against her were idiotic. Key difference between the two.
"Hey if I go onto the forums and lie, it will become the truth."

they used to lock people to chatrooms all the time. "hurr durr they didn't ban" is not equivalent to "they didn't use mod power to control conversations."

Garrosh is subject A for how often it happened (happens? Is he still around?)

tl;dr: they liked to dish out on some characters but absolutely couldn't and wouldn't stand it when we chuckled as sylvanas's villainy was being canonized for the world to see.
11/14/2018 02:07 PMPosted by Rothiron
11/14/2018 02:01 PMPosted by Nyalmi
So uh...I guess we got spared the forum rapture?

It would be nice to have gotten a notice that it was delayed with all the forum goodbyes and stuff happening.

Now it’s just awkward Blizz!
I got bad news. The forum rapture still happened. But we got left behind.

Shame, I worked so hard to build up my good gorl brownie points too.

At least it’s been rescheduled!
11/15/2018 01:32 AMPosted by Treng
"Hey if I go onto the forums and lie, it will become the truth."

Why are you quoting yourself?

Also just so you know Garrosh, since you brought him up as a poor oppressed soul, is currently laughing at you.
Ladies, ladies. Garrosh and Sylvanas are both just awful.
11/14/2018 11:45 PMPosted by Ximothy
So, I heard we're loosing our post count?
Lena's post count is the most impressive, 133,692. Vastly above anyone else's who posts here.
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I really hate this.


This is…strange. Can’t tell if it’s better or worse yet, i’ll give it some time. :eyes:

W-hy… is there junk on literally EVERY PART OF THE SCREEN???

Why would you make it like this.


Edit: Also, this is Darethy, I will try to…fix this.

Nelf stuff, smut, and lulz.

In other news, those new forums are trash. Can the marketing shill that came up with them.

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It was actually a little unnerving being able to see that you were working on a reply in real time.


It janked me around with an alt too on the profile first too. At least everything else for that is where you’d expect it to be.

Huh. Gonna take a bit to get used to the fact I need to click something to respond. Weeeeeeiiiiiiirrrrd

Oh good god. This is going to take some time to get used too…

Oh hey I can see who’s replying at the same time as me.