New Forum Tomorrow

I feel this is appropriate.


OMG this is awesome!!! love it!!! :rofl:

Those Suggested Threads tho!:star_struck:

Who let the Euros on the forums?!

You’ve delved too deep!

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So video posting is now a thing. Neat.


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“Sorry, you can’t include links in your post”


I tried going over to the EU forum but it won’t let me post.

Dang, son. What happened?

I’ve been a naughty pupper.

Already? What’d you do?

Peed on the carpet.


Oh god. Oh god.

What happens when Treng finds out???

Apparently previous bans carry over to the new forums, so you start with low ranking.

thats if he finds out

Up rank me pleb scum

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You need a +10 lvl I think

That can’t be true. I’ve been suspended from the old forums like a dozen times, and I can videopost just fine.


More testing

Terror of Darkshore link 1° test

Test failed

How do we link videos? :sweat_smile: