New Forum Tomorrow

I know they were wiped, but I thought the post count was tied to our accounts.

Why was that changed?

this is certainly new, not sure if i will get used to it

Wait the one minute is gone?

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that’s concerning.


Alright, back to normal and… am I undead or Void Elf right now?

You’re a hozen.

Trust me.

Seriously. Social data collecting decisions like this has taught me to despise marketers and mobile formatting. It is completely non-compatible for people not using phones.

Alright, you seem like a trustworthy Forsaken anyway.

BEHOLD :male_detective:

:male_detective: I AM THE GNOME OF CREEP :male_detective:

Of course! Undead Warlock, the most trustworthy race/class combination in the game.

Also how y’all quoting

We can now see who is typing a post. It feels like a Whatsapp group.

Highlight the words and hit quote

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Highlight a post, and click the quote button when it pops up.

no you hit reply and under the text thing next to the bold button there is a button that says quote whole post

Wouldn’t you like to know, devilish gnome?

Hey never mind I messed it up too.

Spoiler Alert!

Testing the new spoilers option

:smiling_imp: :cherries:

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Oohhh the spoiler system might be cool.

Testing the quoting of the new spoilers option.

Edit: Test failed.