New Forum Guide - Syntax and Features

That’s pretty troubling, seeing as how Blizzard pushes really hard for us to use block in game to handle harassment and curate our own experiences. This oversight is as especially bad as the communities feature launching without a ban feature.


Before, we would just report a post for “Other” and request a stick through that method. It seemed to work fine; things at least got stickied.

Are stickies removed entirely, then? Is there some sort of substitute to keep relevant welcoming threads, archives and community resources at the top of forums?


I hear ya, now what I do know if you spot someone defaming or harassing you personally on the forums, be sure to flag them. For my experience the Overwatch forums, the moderators are pretty strict about the harassment rule.

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Is there a place we can go to suggest features like a block that are vital and missing? Should I just screech on twitter?

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My advice is that this very thread is a good spot, right now the forum dev team is probably monitoring these new forums extensively so they are likely seeing the feedback.

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On that note, I hope they see that this probably needs some fixing:

Give it to the Story Forum to figure out how to break quoting in the first few hours.

Oh, also, YouTube links work.

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EDIT: Curious, you are actually at TL1 still. They might have different permissions set.

I was just about to say, that must’ve been quick. Possibly a bug?

Maybe, until a few months ago, in the Overwatch forums, no links worked for any TL1 or TL2 users. So I know the forum team can change what permissions are granted at certain levels.

Is there any way to open/close the “Reply” drop down on a post through a keyboard shortcut?
Is the only way to show/hide replies to a post to click the drop down with the mouse?

Not to my knowledge.

As far as I know, yes.

I feel like expecting a button named “dislike” to be used for any other reason than conveying what people “dislike” is one of the biggest OOF moments I’ve ever read.
Especially since there was a pre-existing and seperate “report” button.




Just wondering if anyone knows the code for bullet points? In my preview it looks fine but, once saved it just goes to a regular *

Yes you must type an asterisk, then a space, then your content.

* Content

  • Content

Thanks for the reply!

Thats what I keep doing yet it will not save it so. In my first post here under ‘What We Do’ it keeps saving like that no matter what I try.

Anymore help would be awesome!

Oh yeah, I noticed any imported threads cannot be formatted to the new forum code. I am not sure why that is, but this the first time Blizzard has ever imported threads from the old platform. Sorry about that.

You may have to try BBCode formating:


Oh that’s a real bummer but, no big stress. Thanks Siyanti, I’ve been at it for over an hour trying to get it to work. Thanks for your assistance! I can now rest easy and jump back in game.

See my edited response above.

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There’s the nice-looking triple hyphen at least.

Also works with underscores.

Perfect, worked a treat. Tyvm your help, I so greatly appreciate it :grinning:

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