New Forum Guide - Syntax and Features

Is there a feature that will let us mark a thread as ignore so we don’t have to see threads we have no interest in keep popping up?

Muting it seems to be working.

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Thanks! That works wonders. :smiley:

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Curious on this one too. I got my account suspended (in-game) and later received an apology saying it was in mistake.

I was apparently too good with my ‘subtle references’ and garnered two 1 day time-outs on the forums when I first started back under the new system.

Add to this entire batch of troubles the FACT that certain forum threads are subject to recurring auto-closures due to ‘too much flagging’ because Blizzard refuses to reset their parameters.
The constant opening and reclosing is obviously one of two things.

  1. Tinfoil hat time: there’s a group of trolls that goes around deliberately flagging everyone and everything in said thread! (Plays X-Files theme).

  2. The auto program keeps counting and recounting the same old flags, even when they’re no longer relevant.


Thanks for taking the time to post this, it’s great info!

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(pants withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

this post x100000, i dig it

Thanks. Not sure how I feel about trust level though.

i can dig it

Thank you thank you thank you… You deserve your MVP status and make me want to visit the forums more not just when I’m frustrated over something are looking for info not on wowhead… Amazing post.

Guess my tinfoil isn’t that tight after all: the HIGH ELF thread has been under auto closure of ‘24 hours’ for the last SIX days.
Legit moves there, Blizzard.

EDIT Ten days now.
EDIT: TWENTY days now; and an off-shoot thread that had been opened for this subject has been locked because the mods said ‘‘Because the mega has been opened, we’re closing this one.’’.

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Just now, on the High Elf Megathread…

This thread will open in 10 minutes.(and so on)

This thread will open in a minute.
This thread will open in a few seconds.
(YES I was waiting to pounce!)
This thread will open a few seconds ago.
This thread will open in a day.

We will not be silenced.

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Test… test… making a post test… Overwatch forums down… banished to WoW forums it seems… okay… these forums work. Hi again everyone!

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I understand that if you’ve ever been suspended from the forums, you’ll never get to TL3.

A year into the new forums and there are still new “features” to discover. The gift that keeps on giving! There is an edit timer which locks posts after one year from the author further editing. Not sure if this applies to wiki posts. The web team was apparently aware of this but players were never forewarned, which means adversely affecting guild recruitments, etc. If you have an important post, hit edit and copy and save it to your PC — there is no way to access the text and hidden code within after a year.

Edit: This is now fixed. :slight_smile:

Not exactly, I have had a few Overwatch posters get their TL3 privileges back after getting a forum action. It just feels impossible as you literally have to start from scratch.


Are all greens horde? You even use for the horde as a GIF example.
Sure would be nice to feel represented sometime instead of feeling like we’re trespassing.

What does that got to do with anything?