New expansion leak omg ( code source of WOW site )

Thanks for the response. I love being right.


And I love finding excuses to put people on block. Saved me a lotta time

The only thing about this part that has me a little reluctant to believe it is the fact it excludes two Alliance races and only one Horde one. I can only imagine the uproar of Blizz favors Horde if that happened.

You’re right; I was being too snarky. My lost point was that this is what may be, not what is.

I am not trying to antagonize you, but you want Anduin to be gay?

Pretty much.

I don’t think this is a leak. It’s just a class concept.

Kind of curious that players were calling this nearly a year ago. I don’t think Blizzard would listen to player feedback on expac wants so I have to assume this was one of the last things in their grab bag of stuff that has been mentioned but not touched.

On the one hand it presents a glimmer of hope we’ll get away from this cosmic war nonsense that we seemed to be building up to which is good, on the other I feel if true it’s probably only temporary and the next expac will be back to it and that unfortunately the head writer may use this opportunity to further destroy beloved old lore.

That said it does present a narrow glimmer of hope for saving the game by going back to Azeroth and getting back to a more grounded fantasy approach. Though right now I still think it’s going to be awful given their track record and I will not be pre-ordering or even buying on launch. I will wait a month or more for the reviews to come in before rewarding more failure as I did with SL (and IMO SL is such a big failure they really should comp people who bought it with a discount for the next expac as an apology).

But for all I know it is a void/light thing and the void or light zealots or w/e have raised galakrond or some such and the dragon thing is really a red herring and the expac is largely about things other than dragons with dragons as a mere backdrop. Who knows at this point.

Also I’m with other people who are sure it would have covenants 2.0 via dragonflights which is just :face_vomiting:

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Totally agree. I don’t take any leak seriously. Some of them I hope are right, but they never are. This particular one is a name only. Doesn’t tell us much else, and people will make stuff up anyway.

Almost every expansion has been leaked. If this isn’t legit (from the Blizzard site) then it’s a red herring.

I’d say the same, but that Alexstrasza, and the “Dragonflight” WoW emblem are all unique assets that are untraceable from any searches. That is also WoW’s pretty signature keyart style. I would drink water out of my toilet bowl if that image turned out to be fake.

It just features M+ and Mythic raids, LFR removed, normal removed. Hyper focused on mythic PVE content only per peoples votes.

never underestimate the power of trolls with a talent.


Some male/male relationships aren’t even sexual though. You can be attracted to someone emotionally and platonically in some ways. The physical love is manifested in different ways. But it’s not the only way it could happen.

Anything dragons I will be excited. Take my money!

This makes me happier than I’ve been in the last 4 expansions! If this is true I will be even more in love with this game!


Also that is Yrel should be enter to main universe storyline; after Sylvanas abandonment to the Maw, with that need incorporate element storylines from Overwatch into Warcraft, because these characters is from the past.

100% here for hanging with best dragon for an entire expansion.

Still nothing in the area of copyright or trademarks yet. I’ve been checking those every few weeks to see if there’s anything official. That being said, this is HTML5 code on a Blizzard owned page AND there was a “leak” at the beginning of February that mentioned the same title. Now we’re seeing some of the same thoughts about Dark Rangers being seen in the PTR builds, similar to the leak. It’s safe to say that some of the information on the leak is accurate, but we won’t really KNOW for another two weeks.

If it helps, someone saw this same code on the brazilian version of the Blizz site as well.

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