New Epic BGs?

so just because it’s “wow pvp” you can do whatever you want and make the game suck for everyone else?..

no i have not :o

seems like a much better way to make one serving of popcorn than microwave, i just dont’ trust ordering something from china that can explode with hot oil in my face, i want one made out of american steel.

Guess who wrote this before they started running with premade raids:


No. Random means random maps.

The other option is Specific maps.

It isn’t talking about the composition of either team.


then why aren’t rated called random rated bgs? it’s random maps as well…

There are no options in rated, there are no specific maps, you can only queue for random maps.

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yet they aren’t called random rated bgs… and picking specific bgs changes it from random to… oh weird specific.

Adding the “random” is superfluous, there are no other options.

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no it’s very literal it’s random people doing bgs… facts over feelings

I like how you make up facts, and then claim you aren’t using your feelings.

There are two options in the quick match screen, you can pick the bonus battleground option, with random maps, or specific option where you queue for specific maps, but get no bonus.

Does this screen say anything at all about the composition of the teams you will be playing with?


How about this one?


Having re-read your post, do you not know what superfluous means?

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Fact, you can’t queue as a raid by going around that you are avoiding the system in place… therefor exploiting…

unnecessary, especially through being more than enough. next time look it up first lol

also is in a random battleground applying it to both the people and the battleground…

I’ll have whatever it is that you have. That sounds like fun.

what exactly do you mean by that?

It’s “deliberate” in the sense that they have taken no action on it, but they also haven’t come out and said it’s intended gameplay nor have they taken any action to allow groups over 5 to queue.
The last time we have had any indication on their stance on the matter was when they removed the ability for raids to queue for battlegrounds. I am not aware of any other communication or action from them, so unless I hear otherwise I will assume it’s not intended.
They may have had it on their list to change one way or another but it just hasn’t been a priority for them.

Yes there are several things they could do to make it harder. Cross faction would be another, and also making it so the battleground doesn’t start until most players accept the queues.

Ideally the game should attempt to match groups against other groups of similar size, so a 5 man would also go up against a 5 man. But it doesn’t seem like this works out very well at the moment.
An organized 5 man in a 10 player battleground can absolutely crush a PUG, but it seems to be much less common than epic battlegrounds. Also if you get crushed in a random battleground it’s usually over in a few minutes, whereas in an epic battleground you can be looking at a slow defeat depending on the battleground (isle of conquest, wintergrasp offense).

Almost every non-AV epic battleground I’ve gone into recently has been a loss. It’s just not fun to lose 25 minute epic battleground matches 82.5% of the time so instead I stick to randoms where my win rate feels much closer to 50/50 and losses are fast.
I know others have felt the same and given up queueing for epics, which means the ratio of random versus premades queueing for epics becomes even more skewed towards the premades, further making it more likely you are put into a pug vs premade when you queue for an epic, meaning more people will stop queueing for them…

The following is not directed at you

As for the people who defend it with “we’re not queueing up as a raid! It’s just coincidence that we get put into the same battleground!” yeah, nobody is buying that excuse.
It’s fine if you’re doing this, nobody is blaming you for using the queue system but don’t literally lie about what you’re doing by trying to excuse it with some technicality. Have more self respect than that.


interpretation of tea leaves and bird signs are more reliable than assuming the devs intentions by what they don’t say.

Mr. Blizzard could come to your home and tell you in person that they don’t like Epic BG Premades and you could post a long thread tomorrow about what he really meant. Stop pushing your delusions on others.


these man children also deny the post blizzard made saying they don’t approve of sync groups because it was old and got deleted, they do not care about anything but there tiny pathetic egos.