<Crucial> Weekend Raid Guild Recruiting 4/12M(NA) 12/12H(NA) 6/8M(EP)

Who is adaur lol

No clue…it’s been a game for everyone to log onto toons I don’t know so I guess who they are lol

great guild to be in. family aspect of the guild is true. social and friendly is also true. anyone saying differently has a grudge because they were toxic or because someone left their guild to join crucial(which is completely up to the person because crucial doesnt poach)

The best guild i have had the privilege to be a part of

Aotc done now for cutting edge

Let’s go! I’m pumped, Kaamila!

We are on that CE track!!!

Mythic Sivara down!

Radiance of Azshara down!

Congratz Crucial on M Radiance!!! Next up…Behemoth!!!

I’m a 411 (neck level 58.3) equipped Fury warrior looking for a weekend guild that is either clearing heroic or pushing into mythic…

I know I know why would you care when I’m 411 ILVL?

Well I currently raid lead a casual guild on Sargeras named Phõenix on my Paladin Ganngrule. I am a former Mythic raider and raid leader. This is obviously an alt and since I raid lead a casual guild I have not had much of a chance to gear this character the way I want to. With all that said… I recently made streaming a full time job (twitch.tv/gangrule) and I’m looking to raid lead on Tues/Weds on my Paladin and raid in a more hardcore guild on the weekends with this character.

Friday / Saturday / Sunday works for me.

Remember, I know I’m undergeared (which I’m working on remedying asap) I’m going to be streaming the content - so if I get big on twitch you will get exposure as a side benefit. I don’t stream Discord unless you want me to just as a privacy thing for the team/guildies.

I’m dedicated, I understand how to gem, chant, what mats to bring, I’m reliable and I’m willing to learn.

Please let me know if you’re interested, my Btag is Tlc808#1583

Heya Lucean,

I sent you a battle tag request.


434ilvl MW monk LF radiing guild 8/8H onmy priest but I wanted to go alliance so i moved back to my old main if interested in talking u can add me Shawna#11172 or discord - Desire#3841 - Mazarinè-tich is my priest

Congratulations Crucial on your 3/8M kill!!!

Hey Ðesìre

I sent you a friend request on Bnet


Need a warlock or any exceptional dps check us out

We are looking for a fury warrior, aff warlock, and any mythic ready dps to join our roster. Current progression is Ashvane.

Currently recruiting a Disc priest and a fury warrior for our roster!

Need people that bring the deeps

We love big DEEPS!