Is that a hard locked thing like unable to use flight in combat?
Is it an aggro issue? Because, if you lose aggro in the 3 seconds it takes to swap to cat or use dash… IDK…
give pally better mobility pls
Their horses are undead, they probably won’t be too bothered tbh.
It’d be cool for Death Knight’s to activate an ability called ‘Cavalry of Death’ — Which sends a handful of ghostly horse-riders come charging in from behind you towards your enemies trampling them.
- Have them a teal earie sea-green blueish colour by default, but have a glyph or questline to have something empower them with the Shadowlands — Giving each one a different realm or power-vibe (Revendreth Red, Maw Black, Bastion Gilded, Ardenweald Glowy and Maldraxxus shadowy).
“If the death chargers hit your target whilst they’re casting a holy spell — Empower the horsemen with ‘Shadow of the Prince’s light-fall’ stunning the target for 3 seconds and dealing 200% more damage.”
You pallies would love that – Right!? 
So now we can finally break even with the rest and not be so far behind, the warlock has to summon us again
So, basically Tiger’s Lust.
In Warcraft 3 DKs are mounted, Paladins are not. Mounted combat is therefore not within the Paladin class fantasy, but is within the DK one.
It’s fine that Paladins got their Steed ability, but DKs should get the better one, and they finally are. Paladins can keep their Steed as is.
Listen, I’ll be happy to fully donate the mounted knight fantasy to DKs.
Give paladins our wings of liberty HL ripoff that so many paladin NPCs have.
Panic Pony, please
Just a speed buff to Death’s Advance, the functionality just shifts from 30% boost and can’t be slowed below 100% when active (or 70% as a passive) or affected by forced movement to 100% and can’t be slowed or affected by forced movement while losing the slow resist when it isn’t active. Doesn’t stop Roots like a Hand of Freedom would but gets the rest.
I kind of want to see On a Pale Horse letting them remain mounted while fighting but that would end up being busted in every bit of outdoor combat for mobility so it’d likely just be “Oh, you can mount up and go fast from Point A to Point B.”
Wait, I thought druids were the most overloaded and privileged class in the entire game, when ANYONE gets anything.
Get it right, please.
Paladins didn’t do anything wrong.
I’m just happy that the class known for having a mount in combat is finally now getting that.
its is what it is
More than that, it also has Death’s Advance’s current forced-movement immunity as well (DA allows DKs to ignore mechanics that push or pull players)
As a Paladin main, I support the DKs also getting a horse ability.
Because it’s fun. That is what we like. FUN!
it’s not about “losing aggro” it is about losing 220% armor and 25% stamina… if you shift out of bear form while you are actively tanking, you are no more tankier than a rogue and will get one shot.
(also bears lose all their active stacks of iron fur immediately when shifting out of bear form - so that would be a HUGE mitigation loss as well).
have you never tanked before?
and no, druids cannot powershift like they used to… shifting forms engages the global cooldown, so a druid has to wait atleast one gcd before they can shift back into bear, which is long enough for them to take a one shot.
yeah because as a paladin tank i have to deal with form shifting all the time
Dear, Thread creator, I hope the light forsakes you and you join the master class.
Men! Form up Crippletron!