New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I warned you about the power!


What exactly was the point in even adding void elves as an allied race if every single one of them are going to look like a high elf instead of a void elf now…?

Blizzard really can’t think five seconds ahead of themselves, can they?

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Distract him, take off your armor, it’s the only way!

I have no ulterior motives here, none!


I’m a control freak when it comes to art so I can’t grasp the idea of letting the watercolors just flow and I get freaked out :sweat_smile:

And letting things dry is harddd for the impatient xD

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I am Lorithyn: derailer of threads!


:rofl: you egged it on. :rofl:


I’m alright with acrylics. But they’re more forgiving. Though, I haven’t really done anything in a medium that isn’t pencil or photoshop in years.

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i cant really paint anymore. i have rheumatoid arthritis in my fingers so badly, they are all pointing in the wrong direction. best i can do is easy stuff on paintshop and even that is a mess. enjoy it while ya got it, cause it goes away eventually.

Avarie and I be like:


And people say I’m not nice.


What can I say that won’t get me banned?


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:frowning: RA is awful. I’m sorry.

I think there’s a dot from Animaniacs gif that will work here.


ty. it is. i agree. so paint it while ya got it. this goes for avarie and isveria also. do it. doooo it.

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Get hype for the reboot boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii



auto-immune diseases aren’t a foregone conclusion… but mechanical conditions like osteoarthritis can still get you.

Have you ever done paraffiin baths for your hands? It feels good. When I was in school another student had RA and just kept using the paraffin bath in the lab. For chronic, not for flare ups. Though, I mean, if you run into a paraffin tank someone will know that.

Can someone say LEGEND??? Those are BEAUTIFUL <3

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huh no. i havent even went to the doctor for it. been controlling the discomfort with ibuprofen.