New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

You’re free to think that way but unless you worked on it, the Dev’s word outranks yours in this case.

My assertion has always been, “The odds are incredibly low and they’d have be insane to pay money to do it.”

Which is essentially what you just said.

I made a new Void Elf mockup, this with a Night Elf hairstyle and beard.


Once again, that counter argument doesn’t work if I’m accusing the Dev of fibbing.

Obviously the dispute can’t be settled because they’re not gonna log on and talk about it.

But once again, there is no logic in that counter argument.

You can keep saying it as much as you want, me saying, “They’re probably not telling the truth.” can’t be countered with, “But they said!”

So this will keep going in a circle.

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So you’re just gonna keep going all Erich von Däniken and looking at femurs declaring yourself right and the actual people who did the work wrong?

Lor, can you post these for me please?

Void elf with Blood Elf skin:
Human hair style 1, colour 8:
Human hair style 2, colour 7:
Human hair style 3, colour 1:
Human hair style 29, colour 26:
Night Elf hair style 1, colour 5:
Void Elf white hair:
Night Elf hair style 1, colour 5, Front:
Night Elf hair style 19, colour 18:
Night Elf hair style 20, colour 17:

Lance’s mockups:
Human hair:
Human hair:
Night Elf hair and beard:


Nah mate, that’s a tauren. Measure the left ear lobe.


by my calculations the femur of a gnome and a night elf is obviously the same, I measured it.

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This whole model debate actually reminds me of what I said yesterday about the Lore Mattering until it didn’t.

The Night Elf Model being the basis for Zandalari in MoP mattered until it didn’t in BFA when they used the Darkspear instead for an updated model.

There is no counter argument because there is no argument to begin with.

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Well, it’s not entirely the High Elves that Alliance has been asking for years, but it’s really close enough. :slight_smile:


I hope you are able to find enjoyment in what Blizzard to offer you with their OP and future customizations.

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Your profession does not apply to 3d modeling

I mean, I suppose the medium of the forums, especially with a group of people who actively antagonized me for a long time is the wrong place to bring it up…

But since it continued to be brought up, then yeah. I’m going to continue to say it.

Part 1: The counter argument always used doesn’t work. If I’m saying someone probably isn’t telling the truth then the counter argument can’t be, “But they said so.”

and Part 2: I’m a Physical Therapist. If you see the Darkspear Troll it’s limb length proportions are wildly different. It’s obvious by glancing at it. Hence the femur comments. Which is the premise of the argument anyways.

The amount of time it would take to change the Darkspear troll model to have essentially the same proportions as the Night Elf model would be absurd.

Really the issue is more the audience rather than the veracity of my statement. =P

You’re not gonna get out of lab with those measurements…

What about the Q angle of the knees?

I did not even see that reply.

I think this is not a nice way to talk to people / extremely talking down to and insulting.


That looks like an old sage, always what I thought alliance HE should look if they where playable, at least the mage ones.


Lorithyn, you have to post gifs now!


He’s the one with the power.

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I don’t know if I’d call it a counter-argument as opposed to a hurdle that your argument needs to (and has not) clear in order to be taken seriously. You making accusations of lying does not provide sufficient seriousness to override the usefulness of the dev’s statement to the matter. I mean, frankly, you keep showing that you have motive to fabricate nonsense to push your theories.

False Expertise.

Not really, legs are nearly the same length, especially knee to foot is if not identical in length, near enough as to be insignificant. The arms are a bit shorter than DS, but with the amount of change in model between either NE or DS that’s not really a consideration.


I mean, same dudes chant femur at me. =p This conversation started like. what? a year ago? Who knows.

Can we get some more universal complaints of behavior on the forums?