New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

It’d be cool if all races got 3 body type toggles: slender, curvy, and muscular/toned.

Not sure how hard that’d be to do though. Probs A LOT of work and nothing we could realistically expect down the line.

Although it couldn’t be too hard to give Kul Tirans the normal human body model as an option.


The discussion of Pretty Elves is indeed a theme of mine, yes.

Voicing valid criticisms. Along with many others as is their right to do in this thread.

You’ll live, tho.

Seems like you are suffering from a personal issue. Unlike Lann who is simply voicing a criticism to Blizzard regarding an upcoming product.

Genn x Reader. Seems like something he would enjoy. Hopefully it calms him down and allows him to have the sweetest of dreams.


Sorry they’re more popular than most of our other races? :man_shrugging:

Imagine thinking core race is a priority because daddy blizzard said so, far as I’m concerned the horde is 90% blood elf and 9% Vulpera, so the definition of “core” has changed.:rofl:

That’s usually how it goes unless otherwise stated.

Fortunately, I’m glad Velves are getting some work done.

Facepalms with the force of a thousand exploding suns

Excellent. Double points if it includes slash/yaoi.

Imagine ignoring the professional concept of “schedule” for a multi billion company selling a service.


Yup, yes you have.

So many people here that don´t have to deal with the real life issues of professional design work…

Unless popularity comes into play, which it did, and it should :man_shrugging:.

Or also how 60% of things Blizzard says are backtracked or proven incorrect later on, case and point.

No personal issues here, I just love to point out how silly you concerns are “Muh cOrE rAcE” “Muh IdeNtiTy” “Muh imMeRsiOn”. Blizzard does not care about these complaints, they are a business and if giving alliance high elves customization will bring them money from the race change or even faction change, then they will do it.

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I have forgotten it even had that meaning. I have thought “lame” has now evolved to describe “uninspired” or “feeble”.

How interesting.

So you just haven’t heard of Warcraft 3.

And you said 9 years? :thinking:


At my last job we had a contract to design software for an industrial vehicle and midway through the client told us they’d purchased an entirely different machine and threw a huge hissy fit and threatened to drop the contract if the cost and timeline got shifted. I’m still salty about it.

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Wrong, popularity is a playerbase myth.

Schedule is NOT. Devs work according to schedule and sometimes the economical and/or technnical advantages they can gain from customer support. The second is the reason Velves will get skin tones at the same time as Belves, cause it´s the same freaking code so they can save a bunch of time NOW so afterwards they can devote MORE time brainstorming when the scheduled time for Velves arrives. Ergo more creative margin.


You were almost there, but you tripped at the finish line.

Better luck next time!

Oh really?

Press (x) to doubt.

Blizzard cares a lot.

I think this summarizes a lot of concerns. A lot of us aren’t even against additional ideas for VE’s (speaking for myself I guess) but the fear is BE’s will not get our due, and then VE’s will get it twice, and I think its fair to point that out to Blizzard in this thread.

Mmm cute, you still have faith in statements.

You’ll grow out of it after prom :kissing_heart:.


Wish I still thought the world was this black and white.

Yup, 100% confirmed. He doesn´t know how to read.

Or better yet: pretends not to.

Guess the joke is on who, Mr. Genn x Reader?

Welcome to the real professional work, where the client can be an a-hole and you still have to take it and move on… for the sake of the company (nothing worse than a disgruntled customer, those are VERY dangerous).

It all comes down to the concept of “scheduling work while in design”. Most people doesn´t get it, but time is a REALLY important variable. You can´t recover lost time, you can just sacrifice your own FREE time to try to catch up.

That´s why saying “I like this but I don´t like this” IS basic etiquette in design work. Cause only massive jerks don´t point the stuff they rather change until it´s almost too late.


Is that angry talk for “shoot that’s right, the RTS”.

Cause I don’t know if you’ve heard, it was pretty dramatic.

Why wouldn’t I have faith in being correct?

Man it feels good to be winning all the time.

It’s a magical night.

Mine was on a boat!

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Can you really ever be correct if all you ever argue is semantics.

I’ll answer that for you, nah. :rofl::kissing_heart: