New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Yeah sorry, I just noticed how fine Ricky was and I had to make him mine.


I love that the trolls don’t even see a difference between the high elves and blood elves lolol


Now dey fight alongside da Horde? I spit on da Horde!

And once again the master race gets it right.

Interestingly a Troll /charge is still “For Zul’jin!”

I would know, my Horde Hunter is a Troll.

Well, there is NO difference as far as they are concerned (and mostly, they®re not wrong). The “difference” is frankly relevant only to the elves themselves.

The Amani and ZulÂŽjin certainly deserved better tbqh.

Very much so. I never liked the sudden inclusion of Zul’Jin in some patch just to immediately kill him off in a side raid.

And then they took that raid out in Cataclysm, so you can’t even go see him in game or anything. He’s just straight up gone now.

Such a waste.

Burning Crusade’s plot in a nutshell.


Damn straight. Zul’jin was a legend.


Somand put it better than me.

EVERYTHING lore related to TBC was a colossal waste

Man, the lost oportunities. Imagine a “Horde council” with BOTH, Zul®jin and Lor®themar:

Zul®jin: ohh, but is dis the elf I wondered ®bout
 how is your ®ol gut woud treating ya?

LorÂŽthemar: Greetings, General. As fine as your arm does treat you, I wonder?

Rest of the Horde council: WTF is happening here?!?


I could be wrong here, but I think I remember Blizzard admitting somewhere that TBC was run entirely off Rule of Cool, and they regretting wasting a bunch of good lore characters as raid bosses.


I mean
 Zul’jin and Kael’thas getting wiped out was a big mistake.

Also I imagine you have to view it they the guise of wrapping up the wc3 stories. They may have not planned on much happening after we killed arthas.

Rip the best villain.


They always love to kill off the best story characters
 I dunno, the sadest one was the Death of Ysera.


Don’t remind me :sob:


broke what?

Idk but it would be nice if he could stick with one char on the forums

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Thin Kultiran human models, add them in


trying to remember where i saw it first. might’ve been alamara.

dunno about bro, but i switch when i’m gonna participate in a rate that mog thread and need to work on how my mog looks in the armory. this is hyperspace. looook at my wings. i has wings. flappy wings.


Thin Kul Tirans and the Buff Trolls as well for people who want the Forest or Ice Troll look.

I’d even support giving Forsaken the option to have an option to play as a Nathanos type undead with the human model. Another thing i’d like for undead though would be the option to be a full blown skeleton.